What event in 1911 focused attention on the need to protect factory workers


Answer 1

I believe the answer is: The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire was regarded as the deadliest industrial disaster in history, which caused almost 150 deaths of factory workers. In response to this accident, government create list of regulations that the employers must follow in their workplace as safety regulations for their workers.

Answer 2
Answer: The Triangle Shirtwaist Co. factory had a fire. It was what led to developing occupational health and safety measures, fire prevention efforts and the state-based workers compensation system.

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Hi There! :)

What surprised the british at bunker hill

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The correct answer is B) Susan B.  Anthony.

The pioneer of the women's suffrage movement that was arrested for violating new Yorks voting laws in 1872?  was Susan B.  Anthony.

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the answer is B. Susan B Anthony. :)

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Learn more about Battle of Poitiers here:



It was a turning point as it stopped the spread of Islam into europe. 

Can somoene help me with this question??How might the history of the U.S. have been different if the original thirteen states had been guaranteed a perpetual majority of the representation in Congress?


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