A nuclear family consists of two parents and their children, living together without any other relatives. It is seen as the core unit of a family structure.
A nuclear family, also referred to as an elementary family, is a family group that typically consists of two parents and their children. It is considered the smallest family unit and is widely seen across different cultures and societies. This family structure is contrasted with extended family, which includes other relatives like grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
For example, if there's a mother, father, and two children in a household, with no other relatives living with them, that is a nuclear family. The term 'nuclear' is used to denote that this unit is the core, central part of the family from which other members branch out.
$8.20 * 10^10
B) metallic bonding
C) nonpolar covalent bonding
D) strong ionic bonding
what is the molar mass U
i = 1
Van't Hoff factor (i) is explained as the number of ions dissolved in solution.
It is needed to determine colligative properties which depend on the amount of solute.
C₇H₇NO is an organic compound → benzamide
All the organic compound have 1, as Van't Hoff factor.
In order to predict i, you consider ionic salts. For example:
When you dissociate them, you determine i:
AlCl₃ → Al³⁺ + 3Cl⁻ i =4
CaCl₂ → Ca²⁺ + 2Cl⁻ i = 3
NH₄NO₃ → NH₄⁺ + NO₃⁻ i =2