2000 divided by 60 can be calculated by division operation and it will be equal to 33
Division is a mathematical operation, in which we distribute the number in equal parts, the number on the upper side is the total quantity and the number on the bottom side is equal parts of numbers which have to be distributed.
We denote division by '÷' this symbol.
To divide 2000 by 60, we can think of it as breaking up 2000 into 60 equal parts. Each of these parts will have a value of 33, since 2000 divided by 60 is equal to 33.
In mathematical terms, division is the inverse operation of multiplication. When we divide 2000 by 60, we are asking, "How many times does 60 fit into 2000?" The answer is 33, so 2000 divided by 60 is equal to 33.
So, in summary, 2000 divided by 60 is equal to 33, and this means that 2000 can be evenly divided into 60 parts, each of which has a value of 33.
To know more about division check:
Step-by-step explanation:
We can find the number of unique combinations by
Multiplying 4*5*6*8
There are 960 possible choices by picking 1 from each group
x/100 *120=36
120x=3600 /:120
⇒36 is 30% of 120
What you do is make a proportion
1. x/100=36/120
2. 100 x 1.2 = 120
3. 36÷1.2=30
Answer= 30%