Which of the following browsers is typically built into Windows? A. Internet Explorer
B. Chrome
C. Safari
D. Bing


Answer 1
Answer: A. Internet explorer is usually used on windows
Answer 2
Answer: the browser they use is internet explorer

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As Maria and her little brother looked up at the clouds, he exclaimed, "That one looks like a giant dinosaur!" Maria thought it looked more like a giant duck. Which of the following concepts best explains their different interpretations of the same ambiguous stimuli?


Hello this question is incomplete. The complete question would be:

"As Maria and her little brother looked up at the clouds, he exclaimed, "That one looks like a giant dinosaur!" Maria thought it looked more like a giant duck. Which of the following concepts best explains their different interpretations of the same ambiguous stimuli?

shape constancy, context effects, perceptual set, selective attention, difference thresholds"


perceptual set


Perceptual set is the term used to describe the situation where an individual focuses his senses on a single sensory data set and ignores all others. In this case, the individual has a different perception of things from the people around him who are considering all the sensory data. An example of this can be seen in the question above, where Mary and her brother are watching the clouds, while Mary's brother thinks the cloud looks like a giant dinosaur, Maria has a different perception and believes that the cloud looked more like a giant duck. .

The perceptual set has a number of characteristics: it is a complex process, encompassing all sense organs, it implies the whole person (cognitive, physiological capacities and experiences), it means categorizing information and organizing it into perceptual schemes, it is a active process is an adaptive process that involves the construction of meanings.


They have different point of views , AND THEY DON'T THINK THE SAME


In what ways did religion shape all aspects of government and life in Sumer ?



Religion, although nowadays much disregarded as central to human life, was the epicenter of it in ancient times. And nowhere is that clearer than during the centuries in which ancient Babylonian cultures, one of which was Sumer, appeared.

Sumer, as said, was part of the greater Babylonian culture and they, like all the other Babylonian civilizations, were grounded by politheistic religion. Essentially, they believed in multiple divinities, which were really human-like, and who were responsible for controlling parts of human life, and the world itself.

First and foremost, religion shaped the way that Babylonians, and especially Sumer, believed. Their actions, behaviors, thoughts, everything, revolved around their beliefs in these deities. Religion also dictated social lifestyles, communication, and politics.

Finally, and most importantly, religion shaped the way that Sumer developed both socially and politically. Politically because initially the rulers in Sumer were priests, and for a very long time they were the ones who led Sumerian people. This tradition was later passed on to other civilizations which came in contact with Sumer, and with Babylonian civilizations. Second, when ruling was passed on from priests to kings, Sumerians believed that these kings were elected by the gods, and were representatives of the gods, and therefore, they believed in the divine intervention of deities on all aspects of their lives.

These are only a few of the ways in which religion shaped not just Sumer, especially on governmental aspects, but in other aspects of life as well.

Religion shaped behaviors, and thoughts of the Sumerian. It formed people’s beliefs in daily lives.





Sumerian religion is the religion that was practiced by the people of Sumer. Sumer was the first literate people of the ancient Mesopotamia. The Sumerian believed and held on their religion as a principle to all things in life. They believed that their divinities were responsible for the natural and social orders around them.


Sumerian believed that the city and states should be ruled by religious officials or theocratic priests. This role was later changed into kings, but the priests and religious officials still had a great influence on the Sumerian society. At first, temples in Sumer were simple and only had one-room structures. Later on, the temples in Sumer had elevated into having more intricate details, such as sanctuaries at the tops and having pyramidal structures.


The Sumerian had this belief, where the universe was made through cosmic births. The chronological of the universe making was started from Nammu, the primeval waters. Nammu gave birth to Ki (the earth) and An (the sky). An and Ki then mated and had a son named Enlil. Eventually, Enlil separated heaven from the earth. Enlil claimed the earth as his domain.  


Humans of Sumer believed that they were created by Enki, which was the son of Nammu and An. Heaven was a specific place for the deities. They also believed in the god of death, named Nergal.


If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, we recommend you to also take a look at the following questions:

What role did religion play in the Spanish conquest of Latin America? brainly.com/question/7069022  

Puritan religion: brainly.com/question/12881296  

KEYWORD: Sumer, religion, Sumerian  

Subject: Social Studies

Class: 10-12

Subchapter: Sumer

Martin decides to take up a particular course for his undergraduate degree. Most people do not take up this course as it is surrounded by taboos, fears, prejudices, and hypocrisy. This course is most likely to be:__________.



study of human sexuality


Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that this course is most likely to be the study of human sexuality. This is a course that talks about human sexual interests, behaviors, and functions, as well as gender. All of which are very sensitive subjects in today's world due to the taboos, fears, prejudices, and hypocrisy that is associated to it.

Subcultural deviance theory is most consistent with which type of ethical system


Subcultural deviance theory ismost consistent with normative ethics. Normative ethics deals with thequestions that arise when considering how a person acts or suppose to act. The specificethics of subculture deviance theory is the non utilitarianism. In this system,a group of individuals conforming to the values and norms of the group and onedeviates. When one deviates from the social group whose norms differ from thesociety, he or she is said to be deviant.

_________ a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypothesis.


Answer: scientific method

Explanation: Scientific method refers to means of looking into phenomena, acquire new knowledge, correct misconceptions and fallacies, and probe theories. Scientific method is a procedure of investigation with defined steps that include experiments and careful observation. The most important part of scientific method is the testing of hypotheses. A hypothesis is a prescribed explanation for an event, which can be tested. Hypotheses, are generally produced within the context of a scientific theory.


Scientific method


Scientific method are the series do processes that are carried out by scientists to ensure findings are very accurate.

This methods include observation, experiments. After this methods the hypothesis is usually formulated. The formulated hypothesis is then tested for exceptions and other factors. If any is found the hypothesis is modified to include the new findings and exceptions discovered.

How did the Columbian Exchange affect the African people?


The Columbian Exchange had a negative effect on them because it made the transportation of slaves from african easier. #TeamAlvaxic


The introduction of new crops and the decimation of the native population in the New World led to the capture and enslavement of many African people.

