Answer: cluster
There are four main shapes of galaxies: spiral, galaxies are divided into four main groups: spiral, lenticular, elliptical, and irregular, elliptical, and irregular.
The least common shape is cluster
Spiral galaxies- These are the most common. These have arms extending from a bright bulge in spiral shape.
Elliptical galaxy have ellipsoidal shape.
Lenticular galaxies - Intermediate between elliptical and spiral galaxies.
Irregular shape- No well defined shape
Spherical - Nearly spherical galaxies. These are least
cluster- group of galaxies having irregular shape is the least common shape.
Question: The least common shape for a galaxy _____.
B. The original pattern of the light is preserved.
C. The angle of reflection is less than the angle of incidence.
D. The angle of reflection is greater than the angle of incidence.
b. It marked the Axis powers' first loss in a land battle.
c. It marked the liberation of the death camps.
d. It marked the last German offensive.