What was the first armed conflict of the Cold War?A. the Korean War
B. the Hungarian Uprising
C. the Berlin Blockade
D. the Cuban Missile Crisis


Answer 1
Answer: The first armed conflict of the Cold War was A) the Korean War.

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Supporting details within a literary analysis should NOT includea. direct examples from the text.
b. complex literary terms.
c. mention of any critiques by other writers.
d. statistics such as the number of pages in the text.


The correct answer is D, 'statistics such as the number of pages in the text'. That information has nothing to do with analysis of a text, and is therefore unnecessary. 

Answer:  D, statistics such as the number of pages in the text.

Explanation:  When you are analyzing an article statistics is unimportant and should never be used.  It is totally worthless and a waste of your time.

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b. It is an adverb that modifies an action verb.
c. It helps to complete the meaning of a verb.
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The correct answer is c: it helps ( or actually, might be necessary) to complete the meaning of a verb.
For example, I call you the boss- the boss is the complement here.

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B. Combine yogurt blueberries, and strawberries for a healthful smoothie.
C. Stephen Arlo, and J.T. are on the three-person relay team.
D. As she walked through the woods, she noticed moss on stones on tree bark and along the path.


The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "D. As she walked through the woods, she noticed moss on stones on tree bark and along the path." the sentence that does not contain any errors in comma usage is that D. As she walked through the woods, she noticed moss on stones on tree bark and along the path.

Read this excerpt from “Ain’t I a Woman?” by Sojourner Truth. In which sentences does she make an emotional appeal to the audience by talking about her personal hardships?Well, children, where there is so much racket there must be something out of kilter. I think that 'twixt the negroes of the South and the women at the North, all talking about rights, the white men will be in a fix pretty soon. But what's all this here talking about?

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Then they talk about this thing in the head; what's this they call it? [member of audience whispers, "intellect"] That's it, honey. What's that got to do with women's rights or negroes' rights? If my cup won't hold but a pint, and yours holds a quart, wouldn't you be mean not to let me have my little half measure full?


The second paragraph mostly contains the personal hardships the speaker has in her life as a Negro woman. Specifically, the sentences wherein she talks about no one helping her into carriages, ploughed and gathered in the farm, eat and work as much as a man, and being sold off to slavery best describe the emotional appeal she wanted to convey.

An author who writes about obstaclesSometimes wants to experience obstacles

Rarely has experienced obstacles

Often has no opinion about obstacles

Usually has an opinion about obstacles


D. Usually has an opinion about obstacles

Have you ever wondered what you should write about for a writing assignment and asked your writing/English teacher for advice on what you should write about? If you have, your teacher probably responded to your question with another question: “Well, what interests you?” If you asked why that mattered, the response would most likely have been “…because you should write about what interests you.” This is so because when one writes about a topic he or she is interested in, he or she will have the most to say about that topic because one will hold points of view/opinions on the matter. As such it is safe to say that an author who writes about obstacles usually has an opinion about obstacles.

The correct answer should be Usually has an opinion about obstacles

He has evidently met with obstacles and has some opinions about them if he wants to write about them.

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One technique researchers use to find evidence about the past when written records are not available is archaeological excavation. By carefully digging and analyzing layers of soil and artifacts at archaeological sites, researchers can uncover clues about ancient civilizations, their daily lives, and historical events. This method helps reconstruct the past through physical remains such as tools, pottery, structures, and even human remains, providing insights into the history of societies that may not have left written records.

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