Why did it take so long for the Congress to approve the bill of rights


Answer 1
Answer: The U.S Bill of Rights and the English Bill of Rights were created with one motive in mind and that was to restrict the power of the government and also provided the residents with numerous rights that are required in democratic countries. The three main similarities between the U.S. Bill of Rights and English Bill of Rights are freedom of speech, posting of bail and prohibition of quartering of troops. The main differences are that in case of English Bill of Rights, the people have the freedom of speech in Parliament, whereas in case of U.S. Bill of Rights the people have the freedom under all circumstances. 

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c. They kept their nations’ economies going during the war.
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c. They kept their nations' economies going during the war.

Many women worked in the factories, helping to produce military supplies and other necessities for the army.

____________ is defined as a cluster of characteristics that are associated with all members of a specific social group, often including qualities that are unrelated to the objective criteria that define the group.


Answer:  Stereotype


Stereotype is known to be predetermined idea and belief about a social group of people. It is an assumption that a social group possesses some qualities and characteristics which all the members of the group have which might be as a result of race, gender, culture and so on. Thus, if i believe that all men are womanizers, then I am stereotyping men.

Which Legalist scholar dismissed the Confucian belief that government could be based on virtue, arguing instead that rulers should establish a code that enabled control of subjects through punishment and reward?



Han Fei or also sometimes known as Han Fei Zi.


Legalism is the philosophy of the Chinese school of thought where the main interest and concern is on the need to have order and power over every other concern of human life. It suggests the need of having the citizens to pursue their aims and purposes only if it will also benefit the state.

One of the most famous propunder of this philosophy was Han Fei who advocates for the more stricter rules of authority. Dismissing the popular Confucian belief of the virtue or morality based government, he propagate the need for the establishment of a much more controlled authority of the subjects by introducing punishments and rewards. According to him, these two methods are the most effective ways of managing the people in a systematic and ordered way, without the possibility of any unrest. In most ways, he is also implying the same philosophy that Niccolo Machiavelli had suggested in his political essay "The Prince".

If asked, "why do couples marry?" most people in the united states without a sociological perspective would answer, "because of _________."


If asked, "why do couples marry?" most people in the united states without a sociological perspective would answer, "because of "love".

The sociological perspective is a perspective on human conduct and its association with society all in all. It welcomes us to search for the associations between the conduct of distinctive individuals and the structures of the general public in which they live.  

Ordinarily, we tend to think about our general public as simply common. We surmise that it is simply "there" the manner in which the air is. We don't consider how it influences us and our conduct. The sociological viewpoint is one in which we don't do this. Rather, we take a gander at our general public and the manner in which it is set up. We ask how that society influences us. Along these lines, the sociological point of view encourages us to see how society is vital in molding our regular day to day existences.

The guiding philosophy behind the formation of the Federal Reserve System was a __________ decentralized bank run by the federal government.A.



A. stable





after the national bank crashed the government wanted a stable federal bank system.

Which type of credit is usually used for cars, mortgages, and student loans?. . a.consumption credit.
b.installment plan.
c.secured credit card.
d.service credit


Installment plan: Most of us can not pay for car loans, or any of the above mentioned loans, we have so many other bills to pay, and trying to pay cash, just does not work for most of us.  You may have a parent or grand parent that have that kind of money, but not usually.

b. installment plan.

It is a method for repaying the complete loan amount for an item during the fixed tenure. It acts as credit system for buying commodities, such as cars or furniture, or sometimes education loan in which the consumer takes ownership of the commodity on payment of a security amount and makes the purchase by repaying a series of monthly installments whereas the dealer preserves ownership of the products or services till the final installment is paid.