Which sentence does not contain any errors in capitalization?a. Have you ever eaten at George's Sandwich Shop on Pepper Mill road?
b. Most baseball fans in Bucks county cheer for the Philadelphia Phillies.
c. We drove to the midwest to visit relatives in Wisconsin.
d. The Outdoor Adventure Club sponsored a canoe trip on the James River.


Answer 1
Answer: a is incorrect because "road" should be capitalized.b is incorrect because "county" should be capitalized.c is incorrect because "midwest" should be capitalized.d is correct.

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The final physical or emotional confrontation that concludes the rising action is called the _____.
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Which of these playwrights is considered one of the greatest Greek writers of comic drama? Plautus Terence Seneca Aristophanes


The correct answer is Aristophanes.

The most important reason why this is the correct answer is that the remaining three playwrights (Plautus, Terence, and Seneca) weren't Greek - all of them were Roman. Only Aristophanes was a Greek writer, so he is the correct answer. Additionally, Seneca is known for his tragedies, not comedies, whereas Terence and Plautus did write comedies, but they are not Greek.

This is of course somewhat subjective, but almost all classical historians agree that it was Aristophanes who was the most talented and influential comic writer of the age.

What mood is established by the setting, especially in the use of words such as deep, dusk, and black?


The mood which is established bu the setting, especially in the use of words such as deep, dusk, and black is dark, gloomy, depressing, sad, scary, mysterious, etc.

Can someone please write a paper on Bob Ross?!?!?!? This is my last paper for English!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!! I need like two good paragraphs!!!!!!!


Answer: Bob Ross was an American painter, art instructor, and television host. He was the creator and host of The Joy of Painting, an instructional television program that aired from 1983 to 1994 on PBS in the United States, and also aired in Canada, Latin America, and Europe.

Question 1.1. Select the answer that best defines the italicized word.A poor education during childhood can affect the rest of a person’s life. (Points : 2)


bring about


Question 2.2. Sleep deprivation can result in mood swings, diminished motor skills, and poor overall health. (Points : 2)




Question 3.3. Having never visited Australia nor learned anything about the country, Paul was uninterested in the results of the Australian election. (Points : 2)


shocked by


Question 4.4. The Great Potato Famine in Ireland led many Irish people to emigrate in the 1840s. (Points : 2)
come to their country

dislike their country

leave their country

improve their country

Question 5.5. Select the word that best completes the sentence.

The most noticeable _______ of overeating is weight gain. (Points : 2)




Question 6.6. A week after the __________ by the mugger, Otto was still nervous about leaving his home. (Points : 2)




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Question 9.9. To move forward is to ________. (Points : 2)

Question 10.10. During a trial, the job of a juror is to be ________. (Points : 2)





1. If affect is italicized then it's influence.
2. I can't tell which is italicized..
3. If uninterested is italicized then it's unconcerned.
4. emigrate --> leave their country
5. effect
6. depredation
7. immigrate
8. preceded
9. proceed
10. disinterested

During the postwar era, what caused the English language to spread and evolve?a. Englishmen promoted the use of their language
b. People just liked the way English sounded
c. former English colonies were breaking free and beginning to use the language in different ways around the world
d. tv, radio, and internet


During the postwar era c) former English colonies were breaking free and beginning to use the language in different ways around the world. This happened mostly during the 1960's and is now still an extremely popular language, due to globalization, as many jobs require it to be spoken whether you are living in an anglophone country or not.

Which excerpt from Tinker v. Des Moines shows how precedent helps support an argument?A. "I, for one, am not fully persuaded that school pupils are wise enough, even with this Court's expert help from Washington, to run the 23,390 public school systems [n4] in our 50 States."
B. "Other cases cited by the Court do not, as implied, follow the McReynolds reasonableness doctrine. West Virginia v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624, clearly rejecting the 'reasonableness' test, held that the Fourteenth Amendment made the First applicable to the States."
C. "Only a few of the 18,000 students in the school system wore the black armbands. Only five students were suspended for wearing them. There is no indication that the work of the schools or any class was disrupted."
D. "In our system, students may not be regarded as closed-circuit recipients of only that which the State chooses to communicate."


In my opinion, the most reasonable way of supporting an argument reveals in the second statement B. "Other cases cited by the Court do not, as implied, follow the McReynolds reasonableness doctrine. West Virginia v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624, clearly rejecting the 'reasonableness' test, held that the Fourteenth Amendment made the First applicable to the States." This one makes the speaker’s position apprehensible for us.

The correct answer is B. The excerpt from Tinker v. Des Moines that shows how precedent helps support an argument is: "Other cases cited by the Court do not, as implied, follow the McReynolds reasonableness doctrine. West Virginia v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624, clearly rejecting the 'reasonableness' test, held that the Fourteenth Amendment made the First applicable to the States".

This excerpt shows how the Supreme Court uses decisions of other cases already resolved to support arguments within cases in decision at the moment.

In the present case, the Court uses the precedent West Virginia v. Barnette, in which the doctrine of "reasonableness" of McReynolds is not admitted, to apply it to the case Tinker v. Des Moines.

Other Questions
By the time I began the search for my first full-time job, the job market was in bad shape. During my first few months looking for a job, I sent out countless resumes and only had one interview. Unfortunately, I was very unqualified for the job at the time. Then a woman I worked with at my part-time job told me about a reporter position opening up at the newspaper chain where her daughter worked. Though I’d never thought about being a reporter, I figured it couldn’t hurt to go on the interview. In addition to interview experience, the opportunity meant I was officially networking. All the job search materials I’d read stressed the importance of networking in finding a job.A few days later, I was sitting down with John, one of the executive editors of the newspaper chain, hearing all the daunting details of being a “cub reporter.” Although it sounded intimidating, it was also exciting, and John didn’t seem deterred by the fact that I had no solid experience. He was happy with the few writing samples I’d brought to the interview and offered me the job on the spot. I thought about the opportunity over the weekend and on Monday I let John know I would take the job. There would be a learning curve, but I would also get to write every single day.Two weeks later, when I arrived for my first day on the job, I discovered that my editor had been called away for a family emergency. I also learned that the state education department had announced that aid typically allocated to school districts in the area would not come through that year. This would be a blow to schools that had relied on funding to keep art, music, and sports programs running.Since Monday was press day, I needed to do all my reporting and have the story written by the end of the day. John told me that the fastest way to get reactions and comments from everyone involved was to go to the schools and talk directly to the principals, teachers, and parents. No one would be in their offices today. I jotted down the list of people that I should speak to and set out to cover my first story. On my way to the first school, my mind raced. I wasn’t completely sure what I was supposed to be asking besides how the budget cuts would affect each school. As I tried to think of the kind of information that families in the community would want to know, I realized the answer was simple Reporter 101: Who? What? Where? When? Why? and How? If I went back to the office with answers to all of these questions, I would be able to write a complete article.I made the rounds, hitting elementary, middle, and high schools. As I spoke to the people who ran these schools, I learned so much about what goes into keeping a school’s doors open and all the work that goes into offering students a solid education. It made me think that my new job as a reporter was going to be easy in comparison. By the time I finished up, I’d gotten a crash course in interviewing and had received an interesting range of opinions about the budget cuts. I was already thinking about how I would open the story when I got back to the office. My last step before writing was to get comments from the governor’s office and do some research on past years when state aid was in jeopardy.The next day I saw my very first news story in print. My editor was happy with it when he returned, and over the next few months, I learned a great deal from him about how to cover a story well, how to handle my sources, and how to make a boring story seem interesting. Fortunately, after fine-tuning the state budget, the governor’s office was able to reinstate the aid money for area school districts. And thanks to my first story, I’d already met most of the school administrators in person and had the beginnings of an actual list of sources for future stories.Which excerpt from the story best supports the inference that the narrator’s editor becomes a mentor to her?A. “He was happy with the few writing samples I’d brought to the interview and offered me the job on the spot.”B. “And thanks to my first story, I’d already met most of the school administrators in person . . . ”C. “ . . . I learned a great deal from him about how to cover a story well . . . ”D. “My editor was happy with it when he returned . . . ”