run-on sentence
complete sentence
sentence fragment
Worthless to two
I can not be bought
What am i
On the news this morning, it said that there will be thunderstorms tonight.
On the cover of last month's home magazine was a photo of their house.
She told me she wants to take us to the zoo this weekend.
Sometimes I buy flowers at the farmers' market for my grandmother.
the city of london
a beautiful morning
the intricacy
William Wordsworth gives praise to the city of London in this poem.
He likes London early in the morning, a time before the activity of the city has begun.
Wordsworth typically praises nature, as critical cities and artificial structures, in his poetry. However, during this verse form, he praises town of London within the early hours of the morning. within the 1st line, he notes that nothing, presumptive in nature, is as "fair" because of the town during this still, quiet state.
B. By showing off the war skills of his soldiers
C. By singing a sorrowful war hymn from his homeland
D. By saying that he will fight Grendel without armor or a shield