In the short story "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" by Ambrose Bierce, the gray-clad soldier who tells Farquhar about the bridge is an unidentified Confederate soldier.
Throughout the story, the soldier is described as wearing a gray uniform, indicating his affiliation with the Confederate Army during the American Civil War. The soldier plays a crucial role in the narrative by providing information to Farquhar and setting the events in motion.
The soldier's appearance and interaction with Farquhar create a sense of urgency and anticipation, as he presents an opportunity for Farquhar to carry out a daring act against the Union forces. Thus, the gray-clad soldier is a Confederate soldier.
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Answer: his cousin Daisy and her extremely rich husband Tom Buchanan,
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
The answer is sixteenth and seventeenth centuries!!!
Hope this helps!!
local newspaper
This conclusion is supported by the fact that the emblem of the British crown was carved onto all artifacts found by the British army.
"The emblem of the British crown was commonly found already engraved on foreign artifacts" suggests that during a certain historical period, it was a common practice for the British to engrave their crown emblem on artifacts from foreign territories. This conclusion can be explained in the following way:
In summary, the engraving of the British crown emblem on foreign artifacts was a common practice during the era of British imperialism and colonialism, symbolizing British rule and documenting the influence of the British Empire on various cultures and regions. It is historically significant as it reflects the broader context of imperialism and its consequences on a global scale.
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the answer is C... The carving on the slit drum is representative of British rule over African territories.