Is movements of ocean currents mainly caused by the moon


Answer 1
Answer: Surface currents, are driven primarily by winds. Deep ocean currents are driven by density differences between water locations. The Moon's gravity actually pulls Earth's water towards it. Wherever the moon is, as it orbits the Earth, there is a high tide 'bulge' that stays lined up with the Moon. The side of the Earth that is furthest from the Moon also has a high tide 'bulge'. This is because the Earth is closer to the moon than the water on its far side. The Moon's gravity pulls more on the planet than the water on the opposite side. These two water bulges on opposite sides of the Earth aligned with the Moon are the high tides. The strong gravitational fields of the Moon result in changing gravitational fields causing tides to rise and fall.

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A square block of steel with volume 10 cm3 and mass of 75 g is cut precisely in half. The density of the two smaller pieces is now...a. the same as the original density.
b. one-half the original density.
c. two times the original density.
d. one-fourth the original density.


a. Density only depends on the substance. It doesn't matter whether you have a little chip of it or a supertanker full of it ... the density doesn't change.


a. the same as the original density.


The density of a material depends only on the properties of the material, so if a block of steel is cut in a half, it is still made of the same material (steel), so it still has the same density.

We can verify it by doing some calculations. In fact, the initial density of the block of steel is given by the ratio between its mass (75 g) and its volume (10 cm^3):

d=(m)/(V)=(75 g)/(10 cm^3)=7.5 g/cm^3

When the block is cut in a half, its mass becomes half:

m' = (m)/(2)=(75 g)/(2)=37.5 g

and its volume also becomes half:

V'=(V)/(2)=(10 cm^3)/(2)=5 cm^3

So the new density is

d'=(m')/(V')=(37.5 g)/(5 cm^3)=7.5 g/cm^3

So, the density has not changed.

What are the 3 things needed to make hurricane


Low air pressure, warm temperatures, and tropical winds near the equator.
Warm sea surface temperatures, light winds, and rotation or spin.

7. What mass of water will change its temperature by 3.0°C when 525 J of
heat is added to it?


The mass of the water is 41.9 g


When an amount of energy Q is supplied to a sample of substance of mass m, the temperature of the substance increases by \Delta T, according to the equation:

Q=mC_s \Delta T


m is the mass of the substance

C_s is the specific heat capacity of the substance

\Delta T is the change in temperature

In this problem, we have:

Q = 525 J is the amount of heat supplied to the water

\Delta T = 3^(\circ)C is the change in temperature of the water

C_s = 4.18 J/gC is the specific heat capacity of the water

Solving for m, we find the mass of the water:

m=(Q)/(C_s \Delta T)=(525)/((4.18)(3.0))=41.9 g

Learn more about specific heat capacity:


When car tires are on hot pavement for too long, the pressure inside will ___________ and the volume within the tire will _____________. A) increase; decrease due to deflation B) decrease; remain unchanged C) increase; increase and possibly result in a blowout D) increase; remain unchanged as long as the temperature is constantly rising


When the car is driven at high speed for a long time on rough pavement,
the tires and the air inside them heat up. 

That causes the air pressure inside the tires to increase, and the increased
pressure tries to make the tires bigger (they ARE made of rubber, after all).

Normally, the tires do expand a little.  But if this goes on for too long, or
if there's a weak spot on the tire, a blowout is possible.

The anwser is c make sure you read the anwser before me.