What is the main purpose of the rising action in a short story?a. to build interest and suspense
b. to describe the turning point of the story
c. to give background information about the characters
d. to reveal the resolution of the conflict


Answer 1
Answer: The main purpose of the rising action in a short story is to build interest and suspense. The correct answer is A.

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Describe the setting in which Kennedy delivers the speech


Final answer:

John F. Kennedy's speeches took place in diverse settings, including the first televised presidential debate with Richard Nixon, the joint session of Congress in Washington, D.C., and near the Berlin Wall in Germany. Each setting added a unique context and impact to his speeches.


John F. Kennedy delivered speeches in various settings. His first televised presidential debate occurred on September 23, 1960, against Richard Nixon, viewed by millions on TV and radio. This event marked a significant shift in how political debates were perceived, with those watching on television tending to believe that the more telegenic Kennedy was the more effective speaker.

One of his most notable speeches, though, was the "Address to Joint Session of Congress" on May 25, 1961, which took place in Washington, D.C. in the presence of the entire Congress. It was in this prestigious setting that Kennedy articulated his ambitious goals for the nation's space program.

Another memorable Kennedy speech is known as the "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech, delivered near the Berlin Wall. He used this symbolic location, where East and West were starkly divided, to declare his support for West Germany shortly after the construction of the Berlin Wall.

Learn more about Kennedy Speech Settings here:




United States Capitol, Washington, D.C. The inauguration of John F. Kennedy as the 35th President of the United States was held on Friday, January 20, 1961, at the East Portico of the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. This was the 44th inauguration and marked the commencement of the only term of both John F.


Which of the following should have a hyphen? A. nineteen
B. American president
C. self evident
D. written quickly


The answer to this is (C), self-evident. The reason why this is the answer is that this is the only answer given that is a compound word, and compound words require hyphens. Answer A is a number and is its own word. Answer B are two separate words that are independent and do not need to be joined. Answer D is a combination of adjective and verb and does on need a hyphen.

Correct answer would be C

Which answer is correctly punctuated?(a) Mexico has rigid social, classes.
(b) Mexico has rigid, social classes.
(c) Mexico has, rigid social classes.
(d) Mexico has rigid social classes.


D is the correct answer because a comma is only used with adjectives if it makes sense when switched around.


(d) Mexico has rigid social classes


The correct answer is the letter "D". Commas are used in different types of occasions and situations. The sentence is stating a fact and that is why it doesn't need a comma; the message needs to be read clear. In letter "a", "b" and "c" the comma is used in a wrong way. Because it separates what it doesn't need to be separated; or it just simply stops the "flow" of the sentence.

The proper order of parts for a research paper is _____. title page, outline, body, works cited page title page, outline, body, parenthetical citations, works cited page outline, title page, body, works cited page title page, outline, works cited page, body



  Outline, title page, body, works cited page.


  Once you have decided on a topic you´ll be writing about, the next thing you should pay attention is what you will be included in the discussion. The outline consists of three parts; an introduction, the body, and a conclusion.

  The title page is for a research paper is one of the most crucial issues. It is an essential part of your work since it will be the first of what the reader will see. It gives a clue what the topic would be.

  The body of your paper is where you will be presenting all your arguments to support your thesis statement.

  Finally, we get to the works cited page where we will write down a list of the works cited in the paper. Not to be mistaken with the bibliography which is a list of all the works used to write the research paper whether you cited them or not.

  I hope this answer helps you.

Outline (planning stage), Title Page (introduces research paper), Body (the information), Works Cited (credits sources)

During the severe drought in the 1930s, Midwest farmers suffered ______________ when their farmland turned into the Dust Bowl. A. adversity B. impermeability C. introversion D. permeation


A) adversity

Adversity means misfortune or challenges.


A) adversity

Adversity means misfortune or challenge.

Humanists believe that A. love is an illusion.
B. Shakespeare didn't actually write the plays we think he did.
C. humans and animals existed on the same level.
D. life on earth is important in its own right.


The right answer is D. life on earth is important in its own right. Humanism was an intellectual movement initiated in Italy in the fifteenth century with the Renaissance and spread throughout Europe, breaking with the strong influence of the Church and religious thought of the Middle Ages. Theocentrism (God as the center of everything) gives way to anthropocentrism, with man becoming the center of interest. In a broad sense, humanism means valuing the human being and the human condition above all else. It is related to generosity, compassion, and concern for valuing human attributes and achievements. Humanism seeks the best in human beings without using religion, offering new forms of reflection on the arts, sciences, and politics. In addition, the movement revolutionized the cultural field and marked the transition between the Middle Ages and the Modern Age.

The correct answer is D. Life on earth is important in its own right. This is correct because humanism came into existence as a response to the spiritually repressive times and culture that was led by the church in the dark ages. Humanists thought that people and their feelings were important and should be put into art as the focal point. Expressing yourself became important as art was no longer about presenting biblical motives.