An organism's body is constructed using the information contained in    genes, memory, inherited traits, or proteins 


Answer 1

The body of every organism is made up of the Genes. Which determines the entire life of our every organism.

What are Genes ?

Genes are actually made up of the DNA. Genes are the functional unit and basic physical unit of the heredity.

Genes generally contains DNA which actually is different for different people but same as their parents which is a unique Physical features.

Hence The body of every organism is made up of the Genes. Which determines the entire life of our every organism.

To know more about genes follow

Answer 2
Answer: An organism's body is constructed using the information contained in genes from the offspring's parents.

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There are 2 questions :)How did warm, moist air turn into a cloud?

Explain the specific conditions in the area that lead to that specific type of precipitation?


I can answer the first question: Water rises because of the sun's heat and turns into water vapor. After that, it gathers up and forms a cloud. When the cloud is filled enough with vapor, precipitation occurs.
For the first question, evaporation is when water evaporates and rises into the air, causing condensation, which turns warm and moist air into a cloud.
For the second question, if it were to precipitate in an area that is low in elevation, there would be no snow, sleet, or hail. There would only be raining, although not a lot. An example of these places is the desert (like Death Valley). If it were to precipitate in an area that is high in elevation, then it would be a different matter altogether. It would rain frequently, and it would also snow. There may also be sleet or hail. An example of these places would be the mountains (like Big Bear Mountain or something). Finally, if it is a level area and is near sea level, than it would neither precipitate frequently or almost never, it would just be like maybe it rained today, and we may not have any more rain for a month, or maybe it might unexpectedly rain for another 5 days in a row. You know what I mean? An example for these places is... let's say Irvine.
I hoped this helped you and have a great day!

How long does it take the earth to complete one revolution


Answer: It takes 365 days for earth to complete one revolution.

Explanation: Earth takes 365 days to complete one revolution around the sun.

Learn more about earth from the link given below:

In what form is carbon found in the atmosphere?



Carbon is found in the atmosphere mostly as carbon dioxide.


A 10 kg bear is running to the right at 10 m/s. He crashes into another 10 kg bear running to the left at -5 m/s. They collide and stick together, and move on together at 2.5 m/s. Write at least 2 or 3 sentences explaining whether momentum was conserved in this situation.



Total momentum is conserved


Conservation of Momentum

The momentum is a physical magnitude that measures the product of the object's velocity by its mass. The total momentum of a system is the sum of all its components' individual momentums. The two-bear system starts with a total moment of  

p=m_1v_1+m_2v_2=(10)(10)+(10)(-50)=50\ kg.m/s

When both bears stick together, the total mass is 20 kg, and the new momentum is

p'=(20)(2.5)=50 \ kg.m/s

We have assumed both bears move to the right after the collision. In this situation, the total momentum is conserved

On earth’s surface, how much does a 100 kg mass weigh?


Weight = (mass) x (gravity)

Weight = (100kg) x (9.8 m/s^2)

Weight = 980 kg-m/s^2

Weight = 980 Newtons.

(about 220.5 pounds)

Final answer:

The weight of a 100 kg mass on Earth's surface is 980 Newtons(N). This is calculated using the formula 'w=mg', where 'w' is weight, 'm' is mass, and 'g' is the acceleration due to gravity on Earth (9.80 m/s²).


On earth, the weight of an object is determined by the gravitational force acting on it. This can be calculated using the formula w = mg, where 'w' is the weight of the object, 'm' is its mass, and 'g' is the acceleration due to gravity on Earth. Given that the mass 'm' is 100 kg and the acceleration due to gravity 'g' on Earth's surface is approximately 9.80 m/s², we can determine the weight of the object by substituting these values into the formula.

Applying these values into our equation, we get: w = (100 kg)(9.80 m/s²) = 980 N. Therefore, a 100 kg mass weighs 980 Newtons (N) on Earth's surface.

It is pertinent to note that an object's weight can vary based on its location as the value of 'g' changes with location. For instance, the value of 'g' on the moon is only about 1.67 m/s², which is far less compared to Earth, resulting in a lighter weight for the same mass.

Learn more about Weight on Earth here:


1 . A farmer moves along the boundary of his rectangular field of side 10m x 20m . farmer covers 1m in 1sec . what will be the magnitude of displacement at the total distance travelled.2 . Rahul pedals his cycle from rest. Pedals his cycle to get a
velocity of 10 ms-1  in 30 seconds.
then he applies brakes in such that the velocity of the cycle comes does to 6
ms-1  in next 5 seconds . calculate
the acceleration and deceleration .


1). He's walking the 'perimeter' of his field, meaning 'the distance all the way around'.
If he stays right along the fence all the way, then the total distance he walks is
(10 + 20 + 10 + 20) = 60 meters. (It's a small field ... about 5% of an acre.)
The magnitude of displacement is the distance between the start point and end point,
regardless of the route.  After he finishes one whole trip around, his displacement is
zero, because he ends up at the same place where he started.
Notice the big fat red herring in the question: None of this depends on the speed
at which he walks.

2).  Acceleration = (change in speed) / (time for the change)

While speeding up, acceleration = (10 - 0) / 30 = 1/3 meter per second².

While slowing down, deceleration = (6 - 10) / 5 = -4/5 = -0.8 meter per second²