Analogous structures _____.result from evolution in a similar environment
indicate a common ancestor exists between two organisms
are features which organisms still have but no longer use
develop when a mutation occurs in the DNA of an organism


Answer 1
Answer: indicate a common ancestor exists between two organisms

result from evolution in a similar environment
are features which organisms still have but no longer use
develop when a mutation occurs in the DNA of an organism
Answer 2

Answer is result from evolution in a similar environment

The analogous structures are the various structures in different species having the similar in function because face similar environmental pressure, but have different in their origin. These structures evolved separately. Thus, they do not share common ancestor. For example are wings of birds and wings of insects, fins of fish and flippers of whales. Analogous structure supports convergent evolution.

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The gametophyte is much larger than the sporophyte in all of the following excepta. mosses.
b. liverworts.
c. pine trees.
d. horsetails.


The answer is C. Pine trees

To answer this question we just have to find out the organism which sporophyte the dominant life stage

Pine Trees sporophyte is the dominant one in their live..  On the pinetrees, the gametophyte is much smaller than the sporophyte

What combines with sugar and a phosphate group to form a nucleotide?


A nucleotide consists of three things: A nitrogenous base, which can be either adenine, guanine, cytosine, or thymine (in the case of RNA, thymine is replaced by uracil.) A five-carbon sugar, called deoxyribose because it is lacking an oxygen group on one of it carbons. One or more phosphate groups.
in terms of bonding, there is the presence of ester bonds. This happens when the OH group of the nucleotide is reacted with an inorganic phosphate group from phosphoric acid. there is also the formation of anise groups through the reaction of amines. overall formation of a nucleotide is mainly due to condensation reactions through hydrolysis(water out) from H and OH from the different molecules. Also there is the formation of phosphoester bond between the whole molecule

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Matching Questions Matching Answers
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serve as nature's "giant sponges" C. deforestation
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factor which leads to habitat destruction. global warming, and erosion F. DDT
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I need this done Asap


The answers are as follows 1J, 2I, 3H 4G 5D 6C 7A 8B 9E 10F Wetlands are the factor which uses a large amount of freshwater. The fossil fuels use of these creates smog and acid rain. Human factor serve as serve as nature's "giant sponges", Besides, Giant pandas are endangered mainly because of loss of habitat and because of loss of predators White-tail deer are overpopulated. As for deforestation, it is considered as a factor which leads to habitat destruction, global warming, and erosion. Farming is adjustments created by humans which alter the balance of our ecosystem. The greenhouse effect is dangerous because burning fossil fuels increases this. In other hand, human being are species responsible for greatest amount of environmental change and. Finally, DDT is cheap, effective insecticide which is harmful to other species.

Which aspect of a chemical reaction is affected by enzymes?


An enzyme lowers the activation energy required to start the reaction by holding the reactants in place.

These two cells have several features in common. They also differ in several ways. The two cells share all but one feature listed below. What is that feature?A) contain DNA
B) enclosed in protein capsule
C) undergo cellular respiration
D) produce proteins in ribosome



The correct answer would be B) enclosed in a protein capsule

Almost all living cells contain DNA as their genetic material. DNA control and coordinates the function of the cell. The two cells also must contain the DNA.

Cellular respiration refers to the set of biochemical reactions by which the cell generates ATP or energy. All the living cells produce energy through cellular respiration, however, they may utilize the aerobic or anaerobic form of respiration.

A ribosome is found in all the living cells including animal cells, plants, bacteria et cetera. They form the site for protein synthesis in all the cells.

The protein capsule is not a universal feature of all living cells. Thus, it may be present in one cell type and absent in another cell type.


The answer is B) Enclosed in protein capsule.


If you look at all the other options, they are present in all the cell types. Be it a plant cell or an animal cell or bacterial cell, they all contain the genetic material DNA, they undergo or exhibit cellular respiration which is responsible for the release of energy and all the cell types contain ribosomes which is the site of protein synthesis. Only some cell types are enclosed by protein capsule like some viruses but not all cell types, thus the answer is B.

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the Lynx/Mountain Lion. They both belong to the 'Felix' genus as do all cats of the feline family.