The correct answer is D) Fair is foul, and foul is fair; Hover through the fog and filthy air.
The foreshadowing is used to indicate a future event. In Macbeth, the witches use the lines: "Fair is foul, and foul is fair; Hover through the fog and filthy air." In Act IV, the witches were urged to make the second round of predictions, they suggest how Macbeth will be defeated in Act V.
• The astronaut manned the corn flakes so they wouldn’t float away.
• You can only stay strong in space if you’ve manned carefully.
• There have been manned missions to space for more than 60 years.
• Space travel can leave a person’s stomach feeling manned.
Some words can have both endings ves or s:
scarf - scarfs/scarves
dwarf - dwarfs/dwarves
wharf - wharfs/wharves
handkerchief - handkerchiefs/handkerchieves
I have to do another 25 plis plis
18. Carol completed his homework, and put it in his binder.
19. Dr. Mark said I could come to his office Friday or Saturday.
20. Haris mowed the lawn, so he earned a hundred dollars.
21. Julie doesn't like seafood, nor does she like cabbage.
22. My pencil was broken, so I borrowed one from my friend.
24. I want to lose weight, but I eat chocolate and Cheetos every day.
25. The murderer, Jason, believed that having studied law, he could ___ from going to jail; but, in the end, he was sentenced to death.
A couple of them I was unable to see the entirety of it, so I couldn't write what you probably wanted. I apologize for that. I hope that this helps in any shape or form.
B. They intersect at one point.
C. They never intersect.
D. They intersect at least twice.
Kate Chopin primarily focused on a relevant social issue in the “The Story of an Hour.” Gender inequality was emphasized in the story wherein the 19th century, women had restricted freedom as compared to men. Mrs. Mallard, the widow in the story gained her freedom and realized the advantages of being a widow after her husband’s death.
female autonomy and independence