Which sentences in this excerpt from Leo Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich reflect the author’s opinion that the members of the rising middle class can never throw off their emotional masks?Apart from this lying, or because of it, what most tormented Ivan Ilyich was that no one pitied him as he wished to be pitied. At certain moments after prolonged suffering he wished most of all (though he would have been ashamed to confess it) for someone to pity him as a sick child is pitied. He longed to be petted and comforted. He knew he was an important functionary, that he had a beard turning grey, and that therefore what he longed for was impossible, but still he longed for it and in Gerasim's attitude towards him there was something akin to what he wished for, and so that attitude comforted him. Ivan Ilyich wanted to weep, wanted to be petted and cried over, and then his colleague Shebek would come, and instead of weeping and being petted, Ivan Ilyich would assume a serious, severe, and profound air, and by force of habit would express his opinion on a decision of the Court of Cassation and would stubbornly insist on that view. This falsity around him and within him did more than anything else to poison his last days.

It was morning. He knew it was morning because Gerasim had gone, and Peter the footman had come and put out the candles, drawn back one of the curtains, and begun quietly to tidy up. Whether it was morning or evening, Friday or Sunday, made no difference, it was all just the same: the gnawing, unmitigated, agonizing pain, never ceasing for an instant, the consciousness of life inexorably waning but not yet extinguished, the approach of that ever dreaded and hateful Death which was the only reality, and always the same falsity. What were days, weeks, hours, in such a case?


Answer 1

I believe the answer is:

1. Ivan Ilyich wanted to weep, wanted to be petted and cried over, and then his colleague Shebek would come, and instead of weeping and being petted, Ivan Ilyich would assume a serious, severe, and profound air.

2. "This falsity around him and within him did more than anything else to poison his last days

From the first sentence, the narrator infer that even when a member of rising middle class is experiencing grief, they are forced to hide it due to the concern of their social standing.

From the second sentence, the narrator infers that unability to express emotion started to eating them from the inside and make them miserable.

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aplomb would mean to have self confidence or to be confident.

9. Which one of these sentences might best end in an exclamation point? A. Saturday is the best day to visit the museum
B. It's that man again
C. A raven was a distant smudge against the winter sky
D. Until the wind blows, I cannot fly my kite


Saturday is the best day to visit the museum!
B. you can say it with excitement unlike the others

11. What is a group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with an object? A. Adverbial phrase B. Prepositional phrase C. Dependent clause D. Prepositional relationship


prepositional pharse because it positions the object

The answer is B. Prepositional phrase

What theme is best supported by this passage from My Antonia? "The country girls were considered a menace to the social order. Their beauty shone out too boldly against a conventional background. But anxious mothers need have felt no alarm. They mistook the mettle of their sons. The respect for respectability was stronger than any desire in Black Hawk youth."
A) Tradition has a stronger pull than beauty.
B) Beauty is a stronger force than tradition.
C) Mothers have a very strong nifluence on their sons.
D) Country girls can have a dangerous influence.



B) Beauty is a stronger force than tradition.


The Black Hawk men were required to wed Black Hawk ladies and live appropriate lives, however they were enticed by the autonomous, free-living procured young ladies. The nation young ladies were in this way thought about something of a social hazard, yet Black Hawk men were in reality more covetous of decency than all else. While the employed young ladies can break free of conventional male-female imperatives, they do as such at a value: they lose social standing and decency. Indeed, determined town girls, if they chose, could very well become employed, but they would risk a number of social privileges.

Country girls have nothing to lose and just financial remuneration to gain. Be that as it may, however their homestead work makes them more appealing than town girls, they will never be totally acknowledged.

The nation young ladies don't generally undermine the social request since social weights demonstrate more grounded than male want. While their quality stirs things up to some degree, the norm unavoidably triumphs.


For me the right answer was A) Tradition has a stronger pull than beautyon the test


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The craftsmen in the play speak in prose because A. Theseus would have forbidden them to use verse.
B. too much blank verse gets tiresome.
C. that kind of common language symbolizes their status in life.
D. it's the language of love.


The craftsmen in the play speak in prose because: that kind of common language symbolizes their status in life. Option C is correct.

I think that any craftsman would speak very posh and in a high register  language of poetry, hence they speak in prose, which is not that classy.

Prose is a form of language that conveys a natural flow of speech and grammatical structure instead of a regular rhythmic structure as in traditional poetry.

C. that kind of common language symbolizes their status in life. 

During the prewriting stage an author will determineA. examples.
B. questions to answer.
C. purpose.
D. paragraph topics.




Correct Answer is "Purpose"


i believe it is examples