the powers of 2 that are in the range 2 through 1,000 are 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,&512 .what does that mean and it said find all the powers of 3 that are in range 3 through 1,000 im so confused
" This means that we are asked to find the value of for each n belonging to natural numbers.
Now we will stop our approximation when the value exceeds 1000.
i.e. the range is from 2-1000 ".
since the next number after 512 is 512×2=1024 which exceeds 1000. hence our successive approximation will stop at 512.
We will start writing our approximation and stop when it will exceed 1000.
i.e. the sequence is: 3,9,27,81,243,729.
We stopped at 729 because the next number in the series would be:
which exceeds 1000.
b) An apple granola bar