47,000,000,000 is how to write 47 billion in number form
The greatest common factor (GCF) of 65 and 91 is 13 by using prime factorization method:
To find the GCF of two numbers, to determine the largest number that divides both of them evenly.
To find the GCF of 65 and 91, use the prime factorization method:
Step 1: Prime factorize both numbers:
65 = 5 × 13
91 = 7 × 13
Step 2: Identify the common prime factors:
Both 65 and 91 share the prime factor 13.
Step 3: Determine the highest common prime factor:
The highest common prime factor of 65 and 91 is 13.
Therefore, the GCF of 65 and 91 is 13.
Learn more about greatest common factor here:
To round money to the nearest cent you would see in the ones place what that number is and if it is at or higher than 5 it would round up to 2.20
Did that help any I hope so:) if not tell me I will have another strategy