I found a type of rock in the woods it's kinda rough black with some purple like a lavender purple and i can break it into pieces what could it be?


Answer 1
Answer: It could be a lump of coal.
Since you can break pieces off, maybe charcoal ... the real thing, not a "briquet".
Do your hands get all black when you handle it ?

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Dumb. Can. Cabbage. Hn. D ikkk

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The glass rod is a piece of laboratory equipment and it is used for the mixing of   chemicals and other liquids.

Final answer:

A glass rod is used in chemistry and biology laboratories for transferring liquids, stirring solutions, and manipulating microscopic organisms.


A glass rod is commonly used in chemistry and biology laboratories for various purposes. In chemistry, it can be used to transfer small amounts of liquids from one container to another without contamination. It is also used for stirring solutions and facilitating chemical reactions. In biology, a glass rod can be used for extracting small samples or manipulating microscopic organisms in a controlled manner.

Learn more about Glass rod in laboratory here:



How do hydrogen bonds between water molecules occur?


Hydrogen bonds between water molecules occur because of the polarity of the water molecule.

A hydrogen bond is a weak bond that forms between a hydrogen atom that is covalently bonded to a highly electronegative atom and another highly electronegative atom in the same or a different molecule.

A water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The hydrogen atoms are bonded to the oxygen atom, but the electrons in the covalent bonds are not shared equally. This results in a partial negative charge on the oxygen atom and a partial positive charge on the hydrogen atoms.

When two water molecules are close together, the partial positive charge on one hydrogen atom is attracted to the partial negative charge on the oxygen atom of the other molecule. This attraction is called a hydrogen bond.

Therefore, due to polarity of the water molecule, it results into hydrogen bonds between water molecules.

Learn more about hydrogen bond here:



Hydrogen bonds between water molecules occur through the attraction of hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms of water molecules. For example, one water molecule's hydrogen atom will bond with the oxygen atom of another water molecule.

What is first ionization energy


Hope this helps...Definition. The first ionisation energy is the energyrequired to remove the most loosely held electron from one mole of gaseous atoms to produce 1 mole of gaseous ions each with a charge of 1+.

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All the fossil fuels...coal, oil, gas...are examples of no return enable energy resources.
some of the types of energy that are included in nonrenewable energy are, fossil fuels and nuclear power of some sort. hope this is what you were looking for. 
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