Based on General Zaroff desire to hunt humans we can infer that he doesn’t value human life.
General Zaroff began hunting humans because he became bored with hunting animals. He claimed that he lost interest in hunting animals, and he eventually realized that the reason was that he had become such a great hunter that the animals never eluded him. So as he found that hunting animals meant no challenge to him anymore, he interested in hunting humans.
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Neoclassical literature was founded around values of Classical European Civilization Culture, meaning Ancient Greece and Rome, and that includes epics such as Homer's "The Odissey", "The Aeneid" by Virgil and "Posthomerica" by Quintus of Smyrna; which are long poems describing legends and adventures of heroes, having superhuman courage, appealing to muses and carrying out battles involving nations.
So the neoclassical era tried to imitate that Heroic Epic style in their poems.