Describe two life zones in the ocean and how organisms are affected by the conditions in each zone.


Answer 1
Answer: There are two main life zones in the ocean. The first one is the coastal zone - the zone near the coast. In this zone, tides expose some part of the see bottom for some part of each day, so some of the organisms in this part can live both under the water and dried out for hours. Also, this part of ocean characterize higher temperature and higher amount of nutrient-rich matter that supports life. Therefore the 90% of all sea lives in the coastal zone. The second zone is the open sea which include the rest of the ocean away from the land. It can be divided in two parts: neretic zone, in which sunlight penetrates the whole water column and oceanic zone, which is characterized by darkness and very high pressure. 
Answer 2


There are two main life zones in the ocean. The first one is the coastal zone - the zone near the coast. In this zone, tides expose some part of the see bottom for some part of each day, so some of the organisms in this part can live both under the water and dried out for hours. Also, this part of ocean characterize higher temperature and higher amount of nutrient-rich matter that supports life. Therefore the 90% of all sea lives in the coastal zone. The second zone is the open sea which include the rest of the ocean away from the land. It can be divided in two parts: neretic zone, in which sunlight penetrates the whole water column and oceanic zone, which is characterized by darkness and very high pressure.


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Multinucleated, striated, long threadlike cells

A group of similar cells that perform a particular function is called a tissue.

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1. Muscle tissue - made up of cell that are long and fibrous. The muscle cells are able to contract.

Answer: Single-nucleus, striated, branching cells

Explanation: Cardiac muscle cells are striated and branched with a single nucleus. They are joined end to end in complex networks.

What field(s) are created by an electron when it moves?A. electric and gravitational fields

B. magnetic and gravitational fields

C. gravitational, electric, and magnetic fields

D. electric field only


I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is option C. The fields that are created by an electron when it moves are gravitational, electric, and magnetic fields. All fields are being produced by such movement. Hope this answers the question.

Answer:Option C.  gravitational, electric, and magnetic fields


An electron is a negatively charged particle having mass, m = 9.1 × 10⁻³¹ kg and charge, q = -1.602 × 10⁻¹⁹ C. Gravitational field is created all bodies having mass. Hence, a moving electron also creates gravitational field.

A charged body creates electric field around it. And when the charged body moves, it also creates magnetic field. Hence, a moving electron creates gravitational field, electric field and magnetic field.  

Therefore, the correct answer is option C.

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Why are all cells very small?



Cells are small because they need to keep a surface area to volume ratio that allows for adequate intake of nutrients while being able to excrete the cells waste. That is why the cell needs to be small. The smaller it is, the larger the surface area to volume ratio is. ... This is why cells are so small.


The important point is that the surface area to the volume ratio gets smaller as the cell gets larger. Thus, if the cell grows beyond a certain limit, not enough material will be able to cross the membrane fast enough to accommodate the increased cellular volume. ... That is why cells are so small.

Cells are small to have a high surface-to-volume ratio and efficient exchange of materials with their environment.

All cells are very small because they need to have a high surface-to-volume ratio. The surface area of a cell determines the amount of substances that can enter or leave the cell, while the volume of the cell determines the amount of metabolic activity that can occur. By being small, cells can efficiently exchange materials with their environment and carry out essential functions.

For example, red blood cells are small to pass through the narrowest capillaries and transport oxygen to different parts of the body. Bacteria are also small to facilitate their nutrientuptake and waste removal.

Furthermore, the small size of cells allows them to have a faster rate of diffusion, which is important for the exchange of gases, nutrients, and waste products across the cell membrane.

Learn more about Cell Size here:


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B. action potential

C. resting potential


The correct answer to the question given is letter C. resting potential. 

The condition which a neuron is in when the outside of the neuron has a net positive charge and the inside has a net negative charge is called the resting potential. 

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