Who was Pericles? a. a Greek speaker whose fame eventually spread far and wide
b. the leader who developed the strategies leading to Greek naval success
c. the leader of Athens for whom its golden age is named
d. a Greek general who became the first elected president of the ten generals Is it " C "


Answer 1
Answer: Pericles was one of the most prominent figures in of Athens during the Golden Age. He was an influential statesmen, orator, and general of Athens.

So I'd say that the answer is, C. The leaders of Athens for whom it's Golden Age is named. :-)
Answer 2


The leaders of Athens for whom it's Golden Age is named.


I took a quiz

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"Soviet farms were old-fashioned and inefficient."


A collective farm was a collective farm in the Soviet Union. The kolkhozes were established by Vladimir Lenin just after the triumph of the Russian Revolution of 1917 as a form of peasant cooperative aimed at eliminating the latifundia of the great Russian landowners. For this, the Bolshevik government carried out massive expropriations of the landlords and handed over the lands thus obtained to the cooperatives formed by peasants related to the regime, although always granting on these lands only a "right of use" but not of property as one of the first measures of the Bolshevik government was to nationalize all real estate properties. The farmers affiliated to the kolkhoz could own some small production assets (as agricultural tools) and were forced to give production quotas to the state.

After the abolition of the NEP in 1925, the government of Joseph Stalin stimulated the creation of more kolkhozes in order to increase the amount of agricultural production held by the Soviet State, in order to dedicate it to export and thus reinsert the Soviet Union into the Soviet Union. International Trade. This effort culminated in 1928 with the official prohibition of private agrarian exploitations and their enforced collectivity, using violence against peasants who refused to join a collective farm. The obligatory integration of small landowners in the collective farms (or "forced collectivization") was accompanied by a brutal political repression against the recalcitrant peasants, characterized by mass arrests, forced labor camp deportations and summary executions among the rural population. one of the first repressive policies of the Stalin regime.


1.) Soviet farms were old-fashioned and inefficient.


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to flatten the earth. to allow us to distort systematically so we know exactly how things are being stretched or squashed at any given point.

How & why exactly did the Revolutionary War start?


The boston tea parrrrttttyyyyy! jk its becuase people were mad about having to taxes for tea in other countrys

The Revolutionary War started because the Colonial Americans wanted their own country and they were tired of being governed by America and their unreasonable tax laws. Nobody wanted to pay taxes to the British government and everyone opposed it. hope this helps:)

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the practice of a successful political party giving public office to its supporters.

The use of political jobs as a reward for party loyalty