It's not usually all meats that hurts you - But I'll name some meats that you SHOULDN'T eat but most people eat anyway.
° Pork - I'm sure you've heard of pork/pig being the forbidden animal to eat by god
That's pretty much it, but other meats that you CAN eat are -
° Chicken (Yummy! :D)
° Turkey
° Lamb
° Fish
So many more
Keep in mind that some animals (not including PORK) are meant to be eaten, that's why they're here :D
↑ ↑ ↑ Hope this helps!
In truth, I found myself incorrigible with respect to Order; and now I am grown old, and my memory bad, I feel very sensibly the want of it.
A. in blue.
B. up to the window.
C. for his ticket.
D. with cash.
Fredrick douglass
Some other people who did cause why not
-Nathaniel Hawthorne
-Harriet beecher stowe
-Harriet ann jacobs
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