how can we keep Lincoln's promise to our veterans and their families? PLEASE YOU GOT TO HELP ME I AM DOING AN ESSAY and I don't know what it means


Answer 1
Answer: Lincoln's promise was to care for not only veterans, but also their families. Lincoln himself was a war veteran, making this promise especially significant to him. For us to currently keep this promise to our veterans and their families, we must implement programs that will integrate veterans back into society with well paying jobs, as well as offer services such as counseling. 

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Medieval Merchant - Definition and Description

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Medieval Merchant - Products that were traded

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The Medieval Merchant Guilds

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It's not absolutely clear for me, but if I understand you correctly, you are talking about dancing? As far as I know, dance in Cuba most related to what you are looking for, and I know that native Caribbean dance is Salsa. Also such type as Cha cha cha can help you too to find more deployed answer on your question. 

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