SPANISH STORY: Read the short story and then write a constructed response stating a point of view about the story and using illustrations from the story to support your point of view. Should include at least one introductory sentence and at least one concluding sentence that sums up your argument, and at least five sentences putting forth and commenting on your illustrations.


Answer 1
Answer: comment under your question and add either the fie of the story or write the story into the comment

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The answer is "ven".

I'm Mexican so you can trust my answer 100%

ven is the correct answer and I'm 100% Mexican also

Oraciones con la palabra Cruzada


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B. It’s a way of saying goodbye
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D. It’s similar to “cool”


It is C. It’s how people often answer the phone

its how people often answer the phone they often answer by asking a question or telling something.

How do you speak in spanish


Well first you learn the language, Then you speak it.
You can try out this app that helps u speak Spanish is called Duilingo

No tengo hambre porque acabo _ comer


Answer: No tengo hambre porque acabo de comer

Explanation: cuz

that means : I'm not hungry because I just eat

Include expressions you would use with a teacher or with someone else with whom you would speak formally.


Hola, ¿como está?
Yo estoy muy bien, gracias!
Es muy bueno verle!
Encantada(o) de conocerle.
Me gustaría hablarle otra vez.

Pretty much replace any “tu” with “usted” or -le or -la or -lo

Hope this helps :)


To introduce myself to a teacher:

-Buenos días profesor soy (your name) y vengo de (your country)

To say goodbye to a teacher:

-Hasta la proxima clase profesor tenga un buen día

To express admiration for a teacher

-Usted es un magnifico profesor

To tell the teacher that he is very smart

Es usted muy sabio y culto


I hope I've helped;)