Bereft of his joyance. The door quickly opened
On fire–hinges fastened, when his fingers had touched it;
The fell one had flung then—his fury so bitter—
Open the entrance."
A. Beowulf opens the door of the mead–hall and finds Grendel waiting.
B. Grendel arrives and rips open the door of the mead–hall.
C. Beowulf keeps the door of the mead–hall closed as Grendel tries to enter.
D. Grendel tries to break down the door of the mead–hall but fails.
b. Apples are generally red, but there are some golden varieties.
c. Sailboats use wind power, but many sailboats also have a motor.
d. Flamingos are usually pink one variety is bright red.
Middle English
From AD 1150 to 1500, Britain was characterized by middle English language.
It is the language that emerged in 1150-1500 A.D.
Middle English was dominant and French began to disappear; Latin was among educated.
It was characterized by simplified grammar, case and number endings reduced, fixed word order is developed.
Answer: C. poetry.
B. Semicolon
C. Question mark
D. Period
a. lies
b. sunken
c. ship
d. bottom