sprout clout shout
zone, alone, ringtone, groan
As I understand it, the three witches do not have any control over Macbeth's fate. What they can do is predict the future--and the future is unchangeable. As far as Macbeth controlling his own fate, that is impossible, although that is exactly what he tries to do. It was inevitable that he would murder Duncan. Shakespeare's message in this play is fatalistic. Whatever is going to happen to Macbeth--or to us--is already predetermined. I think this could be the good beginning for your response. The rest can be done by the writers I trust. Check out the site Prime Writings.
As I understand it, the three witches do not have any control over Macbeth's fate. What they can do is predict the future--and the future is unchangeable. As far as Macbeth controlling his own fate, that is impossible, although that is exactly what he tries to do. It was inevitable that he would murder Duncan. Shakespeare's message in this play is fatalistic. Whatever is going to happen to Macbeth--or to us--is already predetermined. I think this could be the good beginning for your response. The rest can be done by the writers I trust. Check out the site Prime Writings.
Moja książka jest gruba.
Poszłam z koleżanką do szkoły.
Oglądałam w kinie " Trzy metry nad niebem"
had been driving
am swimming
will be flying
was hopping
Which verb is in the present perfect progressive form?
had been joking
has been sleeping
shall have been growing
are listening
Well its 4. c and 5.B. Because If the sentence is "He has been sleeping for a while." that is a present sentence. And if the sentence is "I am swimming to the end" or something like that Its a form of present. Good luck!