To identify universal themes, you must look at?a. the characters in a story
b. the events of a story
c. the experiences of people
d. the desires of people


Answer 1


To identify universal themes, you must look at:

c. the experiences of people


Universal themes are the themes which can be equated and applied to anyone irrespective of the differences in the culture. The difference in culture, tradition, geographical location does not matter in universal themes. It represents the nature of humans and their basic concerns.

Answer 2
Answer: It's either C or D. Sorry I can't do more. 

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Hubris means excessive pride.
Nemesis is your enemy.
Catharsis means relief. 

Hamartia is the Greek term that refers to the error in judgment leading to a hero's downfall.

The Greek term that refers to the error in judgment that leads to the downfall of a hero is hamartia. Hamartia typically represents a fatal flaw or mistake made by the protagonist, which ultimately leads to their tragic downfall. This concept is commonly found in Greek tragedies, where the hero's hamartia creates a chain of events that result in their destruction.

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hope this helps
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"Irresponsible pet owners who let their unwanted snakes loose in the wild create major problems for the ecosystem. The snakes . . . eat the native rodent, bird, and small reptile populations. This causes a food shortage for other predators such as hawks and owls."

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B. contemporary short story
C. lyric poetry and ballads


The novel as a form was based on A. ancient and medieval romances

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The answer is: ancient and medieval romances.

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