Free market gives people the opportunity of doing the business that fits them using any regulatory license. This helps consumers to make choices that they can manage among the competitive manufacturers and service providers.
Free market improves and creates a fair competition because it acts as a check price of improving the quality of the products while implementing qualitative changes. With open markets, consumers can make the best options that fit their budget and retain their standard quality of consumption.
A free market system is a system in which there is little of no intervention from government. Prices of products and services are set by the open market or consumers. Free Markets are determined by many factors. Three of the main factors of free market system are Competition, supply and demand. Participants in the free market decides everything by themselves. Government don't dictate them to do things like for example, owners of the companies set the prices of their products, people may or may not be willing to buy the product at the set price, whereas the labor negotiate their wage rate with the companies where they work. There are many advantages of free market like individuals are free to innovate things or products or services without any boundaries from the regulatory authorities. Secondly companies can make large profits in such markets through their businesses. Thirdly, free market helps in the expansion and growth of the economy of that country as there are no barriers in conducting businesses, so more people try to engage in the on going business activities and thus helps in the growth of the economy.
Be a resident for 14 years. 35 or older. Women and men can run. Natural born citizen. Don’t matter if you’re not an American or Asian or Indian. If you’re born here then you have the privilege.
The statement is true. Ship routes that were called Triangular Trade were three-legged journeys that traveled between different countries.
Triangular trade was a commercial route established in the Atlantic Ocean from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries, and therefore can be considered a long-standing historical phenomenon. It involved three continents and its route formed a kind of triangle between Europe, Africa and America.
The objective of this route was to capture slaves in Africa, transfer them to America to work in mines and plantations, export raw materials produced with slave labor in America to Europe, produce products manufactured in Europe, and exchange those products by slaves in Africa, repeating the cycle.