Whose belief in civil disobedience did the Beats emulate?a. Henry David Thoreau
b. Lawrence Ferlinghetti
c. Amiri Baraka
d. Ezra Pound


Answer 1

Answer: the correct answer is Ezra Pound.

Explanation: There is an essay describes the image of the American modernist poet Ezra Pound as presented by the best-known representative of the Beat Generation Allen Ginsberg and the San Francisco poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Ginsbergʼs opinionl of Pound is seen as complete to his long-time effort to gain broader recognition for the work of the Beats. The development of Ferlinghettiʼs views of Pound is defined, attention is paid not only to the poetʼs literary work, but also to his art.

Ezra Weston Loomis Pound is an expatriate American poet and critic, and a main figure in the early modernist poetry movement. His benefaction to poetry began with his development of Imagism, a movement derived from classical Chinese and Japanese poetry, emphasizing clarity, precision and economy of language. His works include Ripostes (1912), Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (1920) and the unfinished 120-section epic, The Cantos (1917–1969).

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In Book 9 of the Odyssey, Ulysses saves himself and his men by blinding Polyphemus. Which lines reflect the Cyclops's disappointment at being defeated by guile and not by strength?



"Long since he menaced, such was Fate's command;

And named Ulysses as the destined hand.

I deem'd some godlike giant to behold,

Or lofty hero, haughty, brave, and bold;

Not this weak pigmy wretch, of mean design,

Who, not by strength subdued me, but by wine."

In these lines, the Cyclops states that Fate had long commanded Ulysses to be the hand destined to defeat him. However, he was expecting this hero to be some enormous giant, or a brave and bold hero. Instead, he is disappointed to learn that Ulysses is a tiny being who defeated him not through strength, but by wit.

Final answer:

Polyphemus's disappointment at being defeated by guile and not by strength is shown in lines 455-458 of Book 9 of the Odyssey. The Cyclops was expecting a physical challenge, but was defeated through cunning instead.


In Book 9 of the Odyssey, the lines that reflect Polyphemus's disappointment at being defeated by guile and not by strength are lines 455-458:

No weakling's blow, he boasted of at feasting, Could have performed this feat with a willow wand. He lied, this crafty traveler, his blinding was no accident. But now Zeus and the other gods have paid me back.

These lines exhibit the Cyclops's frustration at being overcome not by a physical feat, but by the cunning and tricks of Odysseus. Polyphemus was confident that only a strong, boastful hero could defeat him, but he was outsmarted instead.

Learn more about Odyssey Book 9 here:



Define Pros & Cons , Than Answer what are Three Non Fiction Reading Strategies Before Reading And After.


1.Pros And Cons: Positive and Negative Aspects. Also Advantages and Disadvantages.

2. Non Fiction Reading Strategies. Before Reading And After. : Preview the text by looking at tittles headings and bold words or bulleted points.
Second : Ask questions About the purpose for Reading
Third : Make Connections To What You already know about the topic.

I Knew the answer Because this is my favorite Subject. And I Study A Lot.
pros and cons are nagative and positive advanteges

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All of them use the correct ending -efy except for the word purefy it does not exist it should be changed to purify instead.

The behavior of kind Duncan and his treatment of macbeth show that king Duncan can be best descibes as A. courageous and bold
B. fair and just
C. ambitious and vengeful
D. foolish and proud


b fair and just donnnnnnnneeeeee

what purpose do sentences 3-6 serve in this paragraph? (1) My family has a quaint cottage at a small, private lake (2) THE cottage is about 75 years old, but we try to keep it in good condition (3) The outside is white with green trim on the windows and shutters (4) In front of the cottage is a flagstone walk that leads down to a stone patio. (5) The patio itself is right next to the water. (6) Out from the patio stretched a dock where we keep a small rowboat tied.


The purposes of sentences 3-6 is to describe in detail what the outsideof the cottage looks like. The description paints a clear image in thereaders head of specific details and surroundings in and around theoutside of the cottage. It adds vivid imagery which also makes theparagraph more interesting. So they provide supporting details



Find the GCF of (6x, 9x^2)


Well, when we're asked for a GCF, it's usually for two numbers, not two
algebraic expressions.  But let's see what we can do with these anyway.

What are the factors of  6x ?
How about 1, 2, 3, x, 2x, 3x, and 6x ?
If you divide 6x by any thing on that list, you get something else
on the list, so it's actually a list of the factors of  6x .

And what are the factors of  9x² ?
How about 1, 3, 9, x, 3x, 9x, x², 3x², and 9x² ?
If you divide  9x²  by any thing on that list, you get something else
on the list, so it's actually a list of the factors of  9x² .

What are the 'common' factors ... the ones that are on both lists ?

1, 3, x, and 3x .

What's the biggest one ?

It could depend on what number 'x' is ... that's is why I have a personal
problem with 'the GCF' of algebraic expressions.  But as long as 'x' is
any substantial number, then the biggest factor on the 'common' list is 3x .

The correct answer (the GCF) is 3x.