The _____ test is a great indicator of how well you will do on the ACT.a. Pre-ACT
b. SAT
d. Aspire


Answer 1


The Aspire test is a great indicator of how well you will do on the ACT.

Explanation: Aspire is a valuable tool to help students and their parents monitor progress towards a good ACT exam from 3rd to 10th grade. The Aspire test assesses student performance in five areas covered by the ACT exam: English, math, reading, science and writing. Aspire Test is offered in the spring and fall seasons, the cost of the assessment tool depends on how many subjects you would like to measure and how often you want your student to be tested.

Answer 2
Answer: No wrong. The Answer is Aspire

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The relationship of the speaker to his patroness, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, can best be described as


The relationship of the speaker to his patroness, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, can best be described as


B.) Admiring

Final answer:

The relationship of the speaker to his patroness, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, can best be described as dedicatedly platonic.


The relationship of the speaker to his patroness, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, can best be described as dedicatedly platonic. Although their love was never consummated, it existed on a higher moral plane and was often linked to brave deeds done for fair ladies, as depicted in literature and songs of troubadours. This type of relationship was popularized in the modern imagination with the court of King Arthur and the romance of Arthur, Lancelot, and Guinevere.

Learn more about platonic relationship here:


Corps : army unit :: A.dossier : back

B.dissident : disagreement : concordance

D.corpus : collected writing

E.carrion : decay


The correct pair of words should be:

D. corpus : collected writing

In the first set of example, the pair constitute the first word to the second word which means that there is collective and selective words. They have a direct relationship because one word is directly a part of the other word.

When studying L. F. Korns’s "How to Ride", the reader is told that the first step in selecting a proper saddle is to



D. reread a previous chapter of book from which it was taken.


Edge 2021

my answer is (D) reread a previous chapter of book from which it was taken.

because ive done the test :)

What would cake walkers most likely look like?a. fashion models on a run way.
b. square dancers.
c. Broadway show dancers.


They would most likely look like b. Square dancers

Which word in the sentence is the direct object? Then we picked the ripe peaches from the sagging branches. A. ripe B. branches C. peaches D. sagging



The direct object is who or what the subject is applying the action to.  In this case, we (the people) picked peaches.  The peaches receive the action.  Therefore, the correct answer is C.
Direct object is peaches

Which of these sentences has a compound object? A. Frank biked to the train station and then rode the train to work.
B. Luke and Shannon met at the library at 5:00 to study.
C. At the thrift store, Tammy found plates and bowls.
D. Josephina and Tina celebrated their birthdays on the same day


The sentence "At the thrift store, Tammy tracked down plates and bowls" contains a compound item. The use of the coordinating conjunction "and" joins the two objects together, making it a compound object.

The option (C) is correct.

In this sentence, the subject is "Tammy," and the verb is "found." The object of the verb (what Tammy found) is a compound object, consisting of two items: "plates" and "bowls." A compound object occurs when a single subject performs an action (verb) that has multiple direct objects connected by a conjunction (in this case, "and").

The sentence describes Tammy's discovery at the thrift store, and the compound object "plates and bowls" indicates that she found both types of items during her visit.

Learn more about coordinating conjunction:


C. At the thrift store, Tammy found plates and bowls.