All organisms make their proteins from:the same twenty sugar molecules

the same twenty amino acids

different molecules, depending on the organism

none of these apply


Answer 1
Answer: 20 amino acids
hope this helps

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Which statement is true for both incomplete and complete digestive systems? A. Materials enter and exit through the same opening. B. Digestion begins outside the cells. C. The digestive cavity is like a tube. D. Continuous feeding is possible.


B. Digestion begins outside the cells statement is true for both incomplete and complete digestive systems

Further explanation

"Digestion begins outside the cells" is the statement that is true for both incomplete and complete digestive systems

Because digestion occurs outside the cell, it is said to be extracellular. Intracellular digestion thus means digestion that occurs inside our cells. Extracellular digestion takes place either in the lumen of the digestive system, in a gastric cavity or other digestive organ, or completely outside the body.

The prefix "extra" means "outside the thing ", and "extra" indicates that extracellular digestion must occur outside the cell. The definition of extracellular digestion is a process in which saprobionts feed by secreting enzymes through the cell membrane onto the food.

During extracellular digestion, food is broken down outside the cell. It is done either mechanically or with acid by special molecules called enzymes. Then the newly broken down nutrients can be absorbed by the cells nearby. Humans use extracellular digestion when they eat.

Extracellular digestion in our human digestive system occurs in the alimentary canal which runs from the starting point of digestion, our mouths, to the end of the digestive system, our anuses.

Learn more

  1. Learn more about  digestive systems

Answer details

Grade:  9

Subject:  biology

Chapter:  Digestion

Keywords:  Digestion

The true statement from all the given options is (B) digestion begins outside the cells.

Further Explanation-

Digestion is the process of action of enzymes and physical force exerted by the digestive system which results in chemical and physical breaking of the food consumed.

There are two types of digestion extracellular and intracellular digestion. Extracellular digestion is the process by which the cells secrete a type of enzyme which helps to digest the food outside the cell. While intracellular digestion is the process by which breakdown of food molecules occurs inside the cell cytoplasm.

If digestive system is to be classified they can be identified into two types,

A. Incomplete Digestive system.

B. Complete Digestive system.

Incomplete digestive system is the one which consists of a single opening for both ingestion of food and excretion of the waste particles.

While on the other hand complete digestion consists of a tube that has two openings, one for ingestion and the other for excretion of the waste products.

In humans the digestion is generally extracellular as the cells associated with our digestive system is secretive in function. These cells secrete enzymes which help in the digestion of the food ingested. As the process occurs in the lumen of our digestive system it is termed as extracellular.

Food is ingested at the start of the digestive system that is mouth. This food passes through the digestive tract wherein the secretion of enzymes brings about the digestion of the food. At last the waste undigested food makes it way out through anus.

Learn More:

1. Learn more about primary succession

2. Learn more about energy storage

3. Learn more about transfer RNA

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Biology

Chapter: Human physiology


Digestion, ingestion, assimilation, enzymes, secretion, mouth, anus, rectum, esophagus, physiology, incomplete digestion, complete digestion, excretion, intracellular digestion, extracellular digestion, lumen.

Water vapor in the air condenses into liquid droplets when the water reaches ____. A. A warm front B. Its critical elevation C. Its dew point D. A cold front



Dew point is the temperature of an air mass in which the water vapor (humidity) starts to condense into droplets due to saturation. This is when dew begins to form.


The higher the temperature the higher the water vapor the air mass can hold. This is because the intermolecular spaces between the air molecules become larger with increased temperature hence can accommodate more water vapor molecules in between the air molecules. As the air mass cools the intermolecular spaces become shorter and the relative humidity of the air mass increases. At temperatures where the air mass can't accommodate its humidity, this is called the dew point, and the water vapor begins to condense into droplets (dew).

Learn More:

For more on dew point check out;





In addition to water, what would most likely be found in a plant central vacuole?A. toxins
B. chlorophyll
C. food molecules
D. damaged organelles


The central vacuole is a large membrane-bound organelle which is present in all plant and fungal cells and some animals with main function to maintain turgor pressure in the cell. The vacuole contains mostly water, but also  ions, salts, waste products, nutrients, and sometimes pigment molecules. According this, in addition to water, fold molecules are most likely to be found in a plant central vacuole. Correct answer: C

In addition to water, what would most likely be found in a plant central vacuole are food molecules. the function of vacuoles include storing food that is absorbed by the microorganism. The storage of food allows the maintenance of the pressure of the cell wall of the organism

Is it possible for an observation to be accurate but not precise


it is possible but also it may have what you are looking for.

The material that contains the genetic code in a chromosome is


Please o please give me the brainiest. It would make my day!


DNA molecule


In the nucleus of each cell, the DNA molecule is packaged into thread-like structures called chromosomes. Each chromosome is made up of DNA tightly coiled many times around proteins called histones that support its structure.

During which process do alleles undergo segregation?a. DNA replication.
b. Mitosis.
c. Meiosis.
d. Transcription.


Alleles undergo segregation ispresent in the mitosis. The answer is B. The first stage is prophase. Thenucleolus disappears and the two centrosomes begin to form the mitotic spindle.The spindle xtends between two opposite poles f the cell. Next is the metaphase.The centromeres of the chromatid pairs align at the center of the mioticspindle. Then anaphase, the centromeres will split that separates the chromatidpair. In here, alleles are formed. They are now called chromosomes. The lastphase is the telophase. The chromosomes will then form a thread-like chromatinand for ache envelope, a nucleoli appears.