Animals wrestling is a way of learning called learning
insightful learning
latent learning


Answer 1

Answer: The correct answer for the blank is- playing.

Learning can be described as modification in the behavior of an individual that is acquired through skills, knowledge, and gain of experience.

Wrestling is a playful behavior in animals that is also considered as a way of learning in them. It helps in acquiring skill of battle, which is essential in hunting their prey. This helps them in acquiring various strategies needed for their survival ( such as fighting for obtaining food).

Thus, playing is the right answer.

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b. economic consequences
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The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "d. all of the above." Fossil fuel dependence is associated with environmental consequences, economic consequences, and development hindrances. 

Answer: d. all of the above

Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas are beneficial sources of energy used by the human society. Fossil fuels are non- renewable resources, which are produced after millions of years of geological and biological activity taking place inside the earth crust. Human society is mainly dependent upon the fossil fuels to maintain it's energy needs.

There are some negative consequences associated with fossil fuels:  

Environmental consequences: Fossil fuels are used for generation of energy in the power plants and by the automobiles. These sources releases partially and completely combusted products which includes the poisonous gases causing air and water pollution.

Economic consequences: Fossil fuel use is related with economic crisis because fossil fuels are non- renewable resources, which cannot be replenished once used. They are expensive and many commercial energy generation processes are dependent on them such as electricity, transportation and others.  

Development hindrances: Large dependence on fossil fuels creating an hindrance on development process. As, there are very few findings which are resulted which could replace the fossil fuels, these finding can be beneficial for the environmental and economic point of view.

Why are many ecological phenomena difficult to study


Because ecosystems are densely interwoven spaces with numerous individuals who have complex relationships to one another, many ecological phenomena are challenging to analyze.

What is ecological phenomena?

When ecological phenomena are arranged into hierarchies, it is frequently possible to create models that simultaneously include impacts from many measurement scales.

This method has been successfully used, for instance, to analyze food webs, where trophic levels correlate to levels in the hierarchy.

Since the temporal dynamics of predators, prey, and herbivores often resolve over comparable amounts of time, measuring the dynamical features of food webs can theoretically be done at the same scale.

Because ecosystems are complex, interconnected systems with numerous players and linkages between them, many ecological phenomena are challenging to analyze.

Therefore, many ecological phenomena difficult to study.

Learn more about ecological phenomena here:


Many ecological phenomena are difficult to study because they can take long periods of time or have large spatial scales.


Observe different types of cells.

Use the microscope. These supplies and equipment are needed:

prepared slide of muscle tissue
prepared slide of some internal organ such as the kidney, liver, or heart
prepared slide of erythrocytes, or leukocytes (from blood)
Follow these directions and complete the activities.
1. Place one of the prepared slides of animal tissue on the stage of the microscope.
2. Focus the microscope on low power. Then change to the high power objective. Focus on the tissue, and note the cells.
3. On a separate sheet of paper, draw an individual cell that you see in the tissue. Note the shape of the cell and its other distinctive characteristics.

What do you think the function of this cell might be?
4. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 using the other prepared slides.
5. On a separate sheet of paper, draw individual cells from the other prepared slides examined.
What do you think the functions of the other cells drawn might be?
If all of the different kinds of cells which you observed had been taken from the same organism or individual, would they have all had the same genetic information?
Consider specialization: What biological concept or occurrence is demonstrated by the different kinds of cells which were observed?
Why is it important?


Answer: 434 words total. Left two questions blank (they are underlined) so youll probs need to fill it in. I also suggest putting it into your own words so if they run it through a plagerism checker this doesnt pop up. I hope this helps tho.


Cells are the basic building blocks of all living things. The human body is composed of trillions of cells. They provide structure for the body, take in nutrients from food, convert those nutrients into energy, and carry out specialized functions. Cells also contain the body’s hereditary material and can make copies of themselves. Cells have many parts, each with a different function. Some of these parts, called organelles, are specialized structures that perform certain tasks within the cell.  


• Microscope  

• Prepared slide of muscle tissue  

• Prepared slide of some internal organ such as the kidney, liver, or heart

• Prepared slide of erythrocytes, or leukocytes (from blood)


1. Place one of the prepared slides of animal tissue on the stage of the microscope.

2. Focus the microscope on low power. Then change to the high-power objective. Focus on the tissue, and note the cells.

3. On a separate sheet of paper, draw an individual cell that you see in the tissue. Note the shape of the cell and its other distinctive characteristics.

-What do you think the function of this cell might be?

4. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 using the other prepared slides.

5. On a separate sheet of paper, draw individual cells from the other prepared slides examined.


What do you think the functions of the other cells drawn might be?

- (i think this differs on person to person so may need to do it yourself)

If all of the different kinds of cells which you observed had been taken from the same organism or individual, would they have all had the same genetic information?

- Yes, the cells will have the same genetic information. However, the particular combination of genes that are turned on (expressed) or turned off (repressed) dictates cellular morphology (shape) and function. Essentially meaning that though the cells share the same genetic information they do not necessarily share the same functions.  

Consider specialization:  What biological concept or occurrence is demonstrated by the different kinds of cells which were observed?

- Though these cells have the same DNA, they all have different phenotypes. The phenotypes are different because the cells appear different under the microscope. The cells do this by expressing different genes at different rates. For example, the blood cell is expressing the gene to make hemoglobulin while the other cells are probably expressing different genes that allow them to be specialized. Cells differentiate which means that they are becoming more specialized. Epigenetics focuses on how cells become more specialized.  

Why is it important?

- This is important because it allows different parts of the body to carry out their crucial functions necessary for the whole body to run properly.  

This is important because it allows different parts of the body to carry out their crucial functions necessary for the whole body to run properly.  

Introduction: Cells are the basic building blocks of all living things. The human body is composed of trillions of cells. They provide structure for the body, take in nutrients from food, convert those nutrients into energy, and carry out specialized functions. Cells also contain the body’s hereditary material and can make copies of themselves.

Materials:  Microscope, Prepared slide of muscle tissue, Prepared slide of some internal organ such as the kidney, liver, or heart , Prepared slide of erythrocytes, or leukocytes (from blood).

Instructions: 1. Place one of the prepared slides of animal tissue on the stage of the microscope.

2. Focus the microscope on low power. Then change to the high-power objective. Focus on the tissue, and note the cells.

3. On a separate sheet of paper, draw an individual cell that you see in the tissue. Note the shape of the cell and its other distinctive characteristics.

-What do you think the function of this cell might be?

4. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 using the other prepared slides.

5. On a separate sheet of paper, draw individual cells from the other prepared slides examined.

- Yes, the cells will have the same genetic information. However, the particular combination of genes that are turned on (expressed) or turned off (repressed) dictates cellular morphology (shape) and function. Essentially meaning that though the cells share the same genetic information they do not necessarily share the same functions.  

Consider specialization:  What biological concept or occurrence is demonstrated by the different kinds of cells which were observed?

- Though these cells have the same DNA, they all have different phenotypes. The phenotypes are different because the cells appear different under the microscope. The cells do this by expressing different genes at different rates. For example, the blood cell is expressing the gene to make hemoglobulin while the other cells are probably expressing different genes that allow them to be specialized. Cells differentiate which means that they are becoming more specialized. Epigenetics focuses on how cells become more specialized.  

To learn more about microscope, click here.


Which of the following is not a factor influencing preventive measures used to combat the spread of disease


A. Cleanliness of food 
B. Behavior 
C. Sanitation 
D. Antibiotics

If the above are the choices given in this question, then my answer is D. ANTIBIOTICS.

Cleanliness of food, behavior, and sanitation are all factors that prevents the spreading of diseases. 

Antibiotics are taken to combat the acquired diseases. It simply signifies the presence of a disease that needs to be eradicated from the system.

What are three terms used to describe organisms such as trees


Grass, plants, flowers, trees, stumps, that kind of thing or not?

Darwin hypothesized that there are definite steps to natural selection. Consider the model here. Use the Roman numerals (I - III) to guide you through the steps. Which is an accurate description of Darwin's hypothesized theory of natural selection? A) Sexual reproduction of bacteria cause variation. Some bacteria survive and some do not. Over time all of the bacteria should become extinct. B) In any population, variation exists. Some bacteria are resistant to antibiotics. Most bacteria die, but the bacteria that are resistant survive and reproduce. C) In a population of bacteria that are exposed to antibiotics, some bacteria change their genetic make-up and survive. The new genetic make-up is passed on to offspring. D) There is a change in the environment: an antibiotic is added. Some of the bacteria are capable of changing to the new environment. They survive and reproduce, passing along their favorable traits.


Answer: Option D

Explanation: Natural selection come into action when some change takes place in the environment which affects the survival of the organism. Here the change is addition of antibiotics. So the bacterial cells which were able to adapt to the change, they survived and rest were killed. These resistant bacterial cells would pass on the genes to next generation and gradually population of resistant bacteria would increase.

I believe the answer is b