1. overconfidence in the nation's prosperity
2. large industries not as successful as they appeared
3. farmers producing more than they could sell
4. competition from foreign countries
5. US extending loans to foreign countries for the purchase of its products
6. people buying to much on credit
7. speculative buying on the stock market
B to control shipping lanes in Atlantic
C to crush last remnants of Soviet Army
D to prevent Allies from gaining beachheads at Normandy
During World war II the last major German offense campaign on the Western Front was the Ardennes Counter offensive also known as the Battle of the Bulge( 1944-1945) . They wanted to encircle four Allied armies and thus force a peace treaty in their favor.
Question: What was the Germans army's goal at the battle of the bulge
Answer: A to disrupt the Allies supply line
Taft-Hartley Act (C) if your in plato
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