to enforce laws that restrict land, water, and air pollution
b. False
At the end of the First World War, USA. UU he forgot his new alliances; both the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations found little support from Congress.
The interwar period caused a resurgence of isolationism in the United States. After the war broke out in Europe, Americans like Charles Lindbergh, Gerald P. Nye and Rush D. Holt advocated American isolationism.
The effective attack of Japan on Pearl Harbor in 1941 broke any hope of EE. UU to maintain the isolationism, in fact this immediately made it to EE. UU In the Second World War.
They believe that elected officials must base their decisions on the laws that reflect the will of the majority. The laws must be enforced but they have to reflect the will of the people and respect the rights of the people. The reason why they fought for independence was because they weren’t consulted nor were they represented in government.