During the Enlightenment era, what did both ancients and moderns believe was a dependable guide to human thinking? A. reason B. emotion C. conformity D. money
The character is William
I have a dream and it is to be free as a bird.
I would like to choose what I want to do.I want to be the owner of my actions
Now I only possess what is in my mind and what is in my mind is too much . I feel my brain is so full of things it is going to expolode.It wants to get out of there. My thoughts really need to turn into actions ad that is why i have to be free.
I imagine myself choosing what to do; If I want to eat or drink.If I want to say in bed or get up.Why can´t I be the master of my own doings?It is not fair .I have to escape.I must break free
"The Circuit" by author Francisco Jimenez, tells the story of Panchito and his experiences on a new country, having to deal with learning a second language and adapting to a new culture and environment. Even if you had not been in a similar situation as Panchito, you could connect his stories to your personal experiences at school in many ways. Maybe, the first classes of spanish or french were difficult to you as you could not understand all the words the teacher was saying, but as you were learning things were easier for you. Or you can connect Panchito's experiences by writing about that time in school you were not afraid of asking for help when you had to deal with a difficult situation.
b. rhyme and rhythm
c. symbolism
d. the emotions
Electronic cash or eCash is a term given to the money transfer that can be made electronically. It is the digital money that can be used to avail various product and services without actually restoring paper currency or coin currency. Electronic cash makes it easier to do various transactions digitally when there is no paper or coin currency. Electronic cash provides for money to be downloaded in one currency and uploaded in another currency when visiting a foreign place.