1. Hard part that lies outside of the body
2. Develops from ectoderm
3. Composed mainly of hard non-living material called chitin.
1. Hard part that lies inside the body
2. Develops from endoderm
3. Composed of living material i.e. bone tissue
Both endoskeleton and exoskeleton play a protective role. The endoskeleton protects internal body organs of the organism. The exoskeleton protects the soft body parts and appendages of the organism.
Both endoskeleton and exoskeleton provide structural support and shape to the concerned organism.
] interactions occur between individuals of the same species.
Intraspecific interactions occur between individuals of the same species.
In population ecology, intraspecific interactions can be described as the type of interaction which occurs between the members of the same species. Intraspecific competition can be described as an interaction between organisms of the same species in which they compete for resources like food, water, shelter etc.
In contrast, interspecific interactions are they type of interactions which occur in different species. For example, a fox and a lion and fighting for the same prey.
Intraspecific interactions can include competition which will occur between members of the same species.
nuclear reactions
refining oil
mining coal
B) Oxygen, sulfates, and one or more nonmetals
C) Carbonates, oxyen, and one or more organic compounds
D) Silicon, oxygen, and one or more metals
D, your answer is said...
Photosynthesis is a process in which food is produced in the presence of sunlight when carbondioxode and water react with each other. Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplast of the leaves. The products of photosynthesis are oxygen and glucose.
Respiration is a process in which energy is released due to the breakdown of glucose molecules with the addition of oxygen. Respiration occurs in the mitochondria of the cell. The products of respiration are water, carbondioxide and energy in the form of adenine tri phosphate (ATP).
Euglena is a unicellular organisms which has the ability to make their own food like plants in the presence of sunlight during the process of photosynthesis. Food production in both euglena and plants requires sunlight. Without sunlight, food is not produced.