Large industrial use of wind energy _____. A.) is practical anywhere there is wind

B.) is restricted to localized areas of consistent wind

C.) cannot be developed anywhere


Answer 1
Answer: Your answer is B)is restricted to localized areas of consistent wind 
Reason:You need a certain amount of wind energy to be able to get a 
good source of wind energy. 
Answer 2

Answer: Option B


Large industries that is dependent on wind energy should be situated at the places where there is a consistent wind.

The areas where the wind is consistent is restricted to some places and due to this there is a limitation for the large industries using wind energy.

There is some localized area where these companies are set up to meet the requirement of wind.

It also requires windmills and other equipment which needs space to set up and so it cannot be just put anywhere to get energy out of it.

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Sickle cell anemia is a condition where the red blood cells are deformed. Which is affected by sickle cell anemia?



Sickle cell anemia is defined as a genetically inherited disorder that causes deformation of red blood cells (RBCs) and inadequate oxygen transport. It is caused by a mutation in the gene that encodes for hemoglobin and leads to formation of a defective protein.

The RBCs transport oxygen to the various parts of body with the help of hemoglobin molecules. Due to defective hemoglobin, blood cells become sticky and rigid, and shape like sickles. The resulting sickle-shaped cells get stuck in blood capillaries that block or slow down blood flow or oxygen transport to the body organs.

Thus, 'sickle cell anemia affects oxygen transport in the body.'

A genetic disorder in which the deformation of red blood cells occurs due to which transportation of oxygen is hindered is called sickle cell anemia.  

Further Explanation:

The inherited form of anemia is sickle cell anemia. It is a condition during which the body contains an inadequate amount of red blood cells to fulfill the required supply of oxygen in the body. The normal red blood cells are round and flexible and move with ease through the blood vessels. The defective red blood cells during sickle cell anemia appear like a crescent moon and become sticky and rigid. These defective cells cannot pass the blood vessels and get stuck in between. It may lead to a stoppage and slow down of blood flow, which in turn also obstructs the passage of oxygen throughout the body.

The gene mutation is the cause of the anemia. This gene is responsible for the production of haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is an iron-rich compound which provides the blood with its red color. The red blood cells carry oxygen with the help of hemoglobin, which binds oxygen. Abnormal hemoglobin is produced during sickle cell anemia, which makes the red blood cells rigid and sticky.

These defective genes are passed from parents to the offspring and generate an inheritance pattern, which is called autosomal recessive inheritance. This means both the parents must transfer the defective allele to produce an affected child. If a person inherits a sickle cell gene from only one parent, he/she is a carrier of the disease. This implies that the person can further pass on the gene to his/her progeny.

Learn More:

  1. Learn more about the fibrous skeleton of the heart
  2. Learn more about blood cells bring oxygen and take carbon dioxide away
  3. Learn more about the system prepares food for absorption into the bloodstream

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: Sickle Cell Anaemia

Subject: Biology


Anemia, sickle cell anemia, red blood cells, oxygen, hemoglobin, blood vessels, mutation, inheritance pattern, autosomal recessive, iron-rich compound, blood, allele, gene.

Which of the following statements about air pollution is not true?a. Air pollution is caused by natural and human processes.
b. Carbon monoxide and sulfur oxides are common air pollutants.
c. Natural components of air, like carbon dioxide, cannot be considered air pollutants.
d. Primary and secondary pollutants are harmful to human health and the environment.


Answer: c) Natural components of air, like carbon dioxide, cannot be considered air pollutants.


Carbon dioxide plays a role as greenhouse gas. Though living being emit carbon dioxide when they breathe, carbon dioxide is considered as a pollutant when associated with cars, power plants, and other human activities that involve the burning of fossil fuels such as gasoline and natural gas.

the answer is C. the other answers are correct

During DNA replication DNA is split apart into two strands as the new DNA strands are created what is the function of DNA polymerase


The main function of DNA polymerase is to make DNA from nucleotides

Which of the following processes only occurs in eukaryotic mRNA transcript modification and gene expression?A. mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA are transcribed.
B. Transcription can begin as soon as translation has assembled the first few amino acids in the polypeptide.
C. A poly-A tail is added to the 3' end of an mRNA, and a cap is added to the 5' end.
D. RNA polymerase binds to the promoter.


C. A poly-A tail is added to the 3' end of an mRNA, and a cap is added to the 5' end.

What is protein pump?


A proton pump is an integral membrane protein pump that builds up a proton gradient across a biological membrane.

What is the frequency of a gene in the gene pool? A: how common that gene is out of all the possible genes in the population B: how common that gene is out of all the possible genes for an individual C: how common that gene is out of all the possible genes for the species



Explanation: Its basically probability.