In this question, you're using synthetic division to solve the problem.
Use synthetic division:
-3 | 1 2 -2 3
First. you have to drop the 1, and then solve:
-3 | 1 2 -2 3
-3 | 1 2 -2 3
-3 | 1 2 -2 3
1 -1
-3 | 1 2 -2 3
-3 3
1 -1
-3 | 1 2 -2 3
-3 3
1 -1 1
-3 | 1 2 -2 3
-3 3 -3
1 -1 1
-3 | 1 2 -2 3
-3 3 -3
1 -1 1 0
x² x c r
When you're done solving, turn it into polynomial form:
x² - x + 1
x² - x + 1
Step-by-step explanation:
There’s 82 kids each learned 47 lines you would multiply
She earns $252.00 a week because if she works 6 hrs weekday that's mean 5 days then she works a total of 30 hrs. (5 x 6 = 30hrs).Then, she gets pay $6 an hour it is equal to $180.00. Then, she works 8 hrs total on the weekend. That means 2 days 4 hrs each. So, if she gets pay $9 an hour it is equal to $72.00. So, she earns $252.00 a week because $180.00 + $72.00 = $252.00.
Answer: Using mental math to add with decimals is like using mental math to add whole numbers because the actual thing is we are adding the place values in both the cases and they different as in case of whole numbers we start from the ones place but in case of decimal numbers we first separate it into whole numbers and decimals to add by using mental math separately, after solving the sum we write both parts together and that is the answer.
For example to add 4.50+9.20
Take after decimal portion separately 0.50+0.20=0.70
and 4+9=13
write together it becomes 13.70.
so 4.50+9.20=13.70.