As DNA replication begins the DNA molecule is broken apart into two ________ strands.A. complimentary
C. transcription
D. identical


Answer 1
Answer: As DNA replication begins the DNA molecule is broken apart into two complementary strands. DNA replication is the process by which DNA makes a copy of itself during cell division. The process occurs in all living and is the basis for biological inheritance. The process starts with the separation of DNA strands in the double helix. Then replication for is formed followed by the binding of bases to each strand. Then the last step is termination of the Replication process

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primary response:

Programs the immune system to remember a particular disease agent by allowing it to "practice" on a weakened or killed version of the pathogen

Body may have a fever during this process

secondary response:

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A scientist attends an annual conference hosted by the American Cancer Society. At which type of event is she most likely to see informal presentations of many different attempts to treat and prevent skin cancer?A. Lecture
B. Panel discussion
C. Poster session
D. Keynote address



The correct answer would be B. poster session.

A poster presentation is an event of a conference in which research information is presented in the form of paper posters to be viewed by participants of the conference.

In a single event, numerous posters are presented through which various researchers illustrate their research methodology along with their results.

Thus, informal presentations of many different attempts to treat and prevent skin cancer are most likely to be observed in a poster session of the conference.


B. Poster Session



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Chloroplasts are specialized organelles found in plant cells and some other organisms, such as algae. They are responsible for carrying out photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into glucose (energy) and oxygen.

Chloroplasts have a double membrane structure and contain their own DNA and ribosomes. They are green in color due to the presence of chlorophyll, a pigment that captures light energy for photosynthesis.

The presence of chloroplasts in plant cells allows them to produce their own food through photosynthesis, whereas animal cells do not possess chloroplasts and rely on obtaining nutrients from external sources.

In summary, chloroplasts are organelles found in plant cells but not in animal cells. They play a crucial role in photosynthesis, enabling plants to convert light energy into chemical energy and produce their own food

Why does the chair in which you are currently sitting retain its same shape over time?Question options:
The particles of the chair are strongly held together.
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The particles of the chair are strongly held together.

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The three pieces of evidence that Alfred Wegener used to support his theory that the Earth's continents were once joined together as one large continent, called Pangaea, were:
-Pieces of fossil that were found in Africa and South America are very similar, almost identical, and it would have been difficult for them to stay in tact, if they had travelled via the current.
-The rock formations and the mountain chains that are found in both Africa and South America are very similar, once again, almost identical, and this is something that could have struggled to have occurred, if the earth didn't used to be one continent.
-The coastline of Africa and South America are very similar to that of a puzzle (they were when Wegener studied them, but they have changed due to erosion), and this helped him to confirm his theory.

Hope this helps :) 

What feature do veins have that arteries do not?


valves:  veins have valves arteries do not have...
lumen: in arteries it is small while in veins it is large...
walls: in arteries walls are thick veins walls are thin...
blood: veins have deoxygenated blood (except pulmonary vein) .. while arteries have oxygenated blood...(except pulmonary artery)...
.The most important difference between veins and arteries is that veins carry oxygenated blood while arteries carry oxygenated blood.Veins have valves and have thin walls.