How did big business shape the American economy in the late 1800s and early 1900s


Answer 1
Answer: Big business shaped the American economy in the late 1800s and early 1900s by outproducing smaller "family business," which drove prices down. This happened in large part due to the Industrial Revolution. 

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overproduction: the process by which each generation produces more offspring than the previous generation produced


If Cuba had entered into a trade agreement with an Asian country in 1903 without US approval, which of the following agreements or amendments would that agreement have violated A. the Teller Amendment B. the Gentlemen's Agreement C. the Platt Amendment D. the Root-Takahira Agreement


Correct answer choice is:

The Platt Amendment


The Platt amendment was a series of assistance that, in 1901, American Government insisted Cuba to raise its new constitution, commanding Cuba to remain out of debt and providing the America the right to interfere within the country and therefore the right to shop for or lease Cuban land for armed service and supplying stations.

If Cuba had entered into a trade agreement with an Asian country in 1903 without US approval, it would have violated the Platt Amendment (C). This Amendment was a major foreign policy of the U.S. Government to maintain control over Cuban policy following Cuba's independence from Spain. 

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its false


I picked true and got it wrong hope this helps because someone's answer didn't help me  :/

Why the Founders declared independence from Great Britain?



to be free thats what they fight each other

The Founders declared independence primarily due to perceived violations of their rights, oppressive economic policies enforced by the British, and the influence of Enlightenment ideas about self-rule and freedom.

The Founders declared independence from Great Britain due to a variety of reasons, mainly related to a sense of increasing political, economic, and social oppression. The British Parliament's imposition of high taxes, without giving the American colonies any representation or say in matters, led to widespread discontent and a demand for greater autonomy.

The major triggering issues like the Stamp Act, the Townshend Acts, The Tea Act, and the Coercive Acts (commonly known as the Intolerable Acts) led the colonists to believe that the British were violating their rights. This, coupled with the ideas of the Enlightenment that emphasized natural rights and freedom, pushed the colonists to pursue a course of independence.

To know more about independence, visit:


Why did some Arab countries cut off oil shipments to the United States during the Arab-Israeli war?


One reason why some Arab countries cut off oil shipments to the United States during the Arab-Israeli war was because the US supported Israel, which was at war with many Arab states during the time. 

10 points: Was the Treaty of Versailles a just and fair peace treaty or an unjust and unfair one? Was it a good peace treaty for the future or not? Write a three-paragraph essay that answers these questions. The first paragraph should be an introductory paragraph that provides some background information about the treaty. The second paragraph should answer the first question, and the third paragraph should answer the second question. Begin the second and third paragraphs with clear topic sentences and include facts to support your claims.


The Treaty of Versailles Yes, I think that the Treaty of Versailles was very fair to Germany. I think this because Germany deserved something bad in return for even starting the war. It was not fair to Germany how they did not really have a say on what went on in with the Treaty of Versailles. Germany should have known this was going to happen to them. They caused many men to become hurt, and even be killed by their own stupidity. Using the Schliffen Plan might of been good on their part,but in reality that was not a very good move for them. Continuing on and looking at Europe. Europe was destroyed and that should all be put on Germany's shoulders for that because Europe did not deserve anything of what happened to them. I would also have to say that I mostly agree with what Woodrow Wilson had to say. He said that Germany should pay for the things they have done and that is exactly it! I agree with not being able to have an air force in the air which is fair to some point. Flying over others to see where, and what they are doing I think is wrong. That is why I agree with the terms of not being able to have an air force in the air because if you did then you would easily be able to take out the enemy, and who would not do that? Anybody would most likely because it is most likely easier to kill more people with a plane then it is to shoot somebody. I surely did not agree with the fact that some of the land that was already claimed was taken away. From then on with the economy not being that great some countries did not have enough land where as some were on the edge of having nothing.

I'll let you work on the first paragraph on your own ...  look up the Paris Peace Conference, which is what led to the Treaty of Versailles in 1919.

As for the second and third paragraphs, I'll offer my own opinion.  But you should do your own research and form your own opinion as well.

In my opinion the Treaty of Versailles was essentially unjust and unfair.  The treaty placed all blame for the cause of the Great War (World War I) on Germany as the leader of the Central Powers.  In reality, as detailed by historian Barbara Tuchman in her Pulitzer Prize winning book, The Guns of August (1962), all the involved nations of Europe contributed to process of creating the war.

The Treaty of Versailles also was not a good peace treaty for the future, because the harsh terms put Germany in a situation that allowed the rise of Hitler and the Nazis, leading to World War II.  In addition to the "war guilt" clause of the treaty (forcing Germany to admit responsibility for causing the war), Germany also was forced to pay large reparation payments to the war's victorious nations.   The German economy and national pride were deeply wounded.  Then the Great Depression hit and made things even worse.  (Germany's depression conditions were even worse than those in America.) The bad situation in Germany made it possible for a radical leader like Hitler, making all sorts of bold promises, to win over enough people to rise to power.  Hitler promised a return to national greatness and fiercely rebuilt Germany as a military machine.  The rise of Hitler and the Nazis brought about World War II in Europe.