Love waves
Light waves
Lemon waves
it is B: Love waves.
structures used to transport water from city to city
created through evapotranspiration
densely packed snow close to becoming glaciers
layers of porous rock or sand
The word 'inject' comes from the Latin root '-jec-', meaning to 'throw'. In the context of 'inject', it means 'to force into something'.
The word
is derived from the Latin root
, which typically means to 'throw'. In the context of 'inject', it conveys the meaning of 'throwing into'. Thus, the best meaning of the word 'inject' based on this root would be 'to force into something'. This is commonly used in contexts like medicine, where a substance is 'injected' or 'forced into' the body using a syringe. It could also be used in the context of non-physical things, like injecting an idea into an argument, meaning to introduce or force the idea into the discussion.
B. "Even mature children," he said, "have no patience for a long delay."
C. Phil said, "occasionally, children are comfortable with boredom."
D. "many philosophers," Eva said, "Believe children are influential."