The Africans had spoke native languages
In 1833 the Government passed a Factory Act to improve conditions for children working in factories. Young children were working very long hours in workplaces where conditions were often terrible. The basic act was as follows:
no child workers under nine years of age, employers must have an age certificate for their child workers, children of 9-13 years to work no more than nine hours a day, children of 13-18 years to work no more than 12 hours a day, children are not to work at night, two hours schooling each day for children, for factory inspectors appointed to enforce the lawHowever, the passing of this act did not mean that the mistreatment of children stopped overnight. Using these sources, investigate how the far the act had solved the problems of child labor.
Yellow journalism and the yellow press are American terms for journalism and associated newspapers that present little or no legitimate well-researched news while instead using eye-catching headlines for increased sales. Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism.
journalism that is based upon sensationalism and crude exaggeration.
Explanation: ???
Answer: sup