Which term identifies a type of organic reaction?(1) deposition (3) esterification
(2) distillation (4) sublimation


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is (3) esterification. Note that deposition, distillation and sublimation are not chemical changes, they are physical changes, so you can solve this question by elimination if you know that. Regarding sterification it is a well known chemical reaction that consists on the formation of esters from carboxilic acids.
Answer 2


(3) esterification


1) Deposition is a process in which a vapor directly condenses into a solid. It is the reverse of sublimation and therefore a process which involves a physical/phase change.

2) Distillation is a process in which a liquid mixture is separated based on the differences in their boiling points. This is a physical separation and not any form of a chemical change.

3)Esterification is an organic reaction in which a carboxylic acid is treated with an alcohol to form an ester.

4) Sublimation is again a physical/phase change process in which a solid gets converted into a gas.

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8. What is the heat of reaction when hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water?2H2(g) + O2(g) → 2H2O(1)
(AHC H20(I) = -285.8 kJ/mol)
A -120.9 kJ
B-241.8 kJ
C-571.6 kJ
D-285.8 kJ



The heat of reaction when hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water is :

C. 571.6 kJ


Enthalpy Change = The enthalpy change for the formation of 1 mole of the substance from their standard state is called the enthalpy of formation.

This is intensive quantity as it is fixed for 1 mole .

Intensive properties = Those properties which are independent on the amount of the substance are intensive properties.

The value of these quantities does not get halve if you divide the substance into two equal parts. example , density, refractive index.

However , the enthalpy of reaction is extensive. Because on increasing the amount the value of the enthalpy also get doubles

Hence for this reaction :

2H_(2)(g)+O_(2)\rightarrow 2H_(2)(l)

Its value is -285.8 kJ for 1 mole

And here two moles are present . so the value of molar enthalpy is:

-285.8 x 2 = -571.6 kJ

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The AVERAGE flight of a bald eagle is 50 km/h. so that means it can go higher or lower than that speed. it's not that it can only go a maximum of 50 km/h 
Hope this helps. :)