What were the townshend acts? Why did parliament pass them?


Answer 1
Answer: The Townshend Acts were a series of laws passed by the British government that led to increased taxation and restrictions for the colonists--they were passed mostly to pay for the expenses of the French and Indian War. 

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A Father-in-law and friend


The person above me is correct. The answer is father-in-law and friend


Person above me smort

John Locke thought that people were neither good nor bad innately. How did Hobbes’s views differ from those of Locke’s?A) Hobbes thought people were innately violent.
B)Hobbes thought people were innately benevolent.
C)Hobbes thought people were innately peaceful.
D)Hobbes thought people were innately evil.


Answer:  A) Hobbes thought  people were innately violent.

Further explanation:

Both English philosophers believed there is a "social contract" -- that governments are formed by the will of the people.  But their theories on why people want to live under governments were very different.

Thomas Hobbes published his political theory in Leviathan in 1651, following the chaos and destruction of the English Civil War.  He saw human beings as naturally suspicious of one another, in competition with each other, and violent toward one another as a result.  Forming a government meant giving up personal liberty, but gaining security against what would otherwise be a situation of every person at war with every other person.

John Locke published his Two Treatises on Civil Government in 1690, following the mostly peaceful transition of government power that was the Glorious Revolution in England.  Locke believed people are born as blank slates--with no preexisting knowledge or moral leanings.  Experience then guides them to the knowledge and the best form of life, and they choose to form governments to make life and society better.

In teaching the difference between Hobbes and Locke, I've often put it this way.  If society were playground basketball, Hobbes believed you must have a referee who sets and enforces rules, or else the players will eventually get into heated arguments and bloody fights with one another, because people get nasty in competition that way.   Locke believed you could have an enjoyable game of playground basketball without a referee, but a referee makes the game better because then any disputes that come up between players have a fair way of being resolved.    Of course, Hobbes and Locke never actually wrote about basketball -- a game not invented until 1891 in America by James Naismith.  But it's just an illustration I've used to try to show the difference of ideas between Hobbes and Locke.   :-)

Andrew Carnegie seemed to be in favor of taxing large estates heavily at death.
True or false?


Andrew Carnegie was one of the richest businessmen and philanthropist in the United States history and he earned his multimillionaire wealth thanks to the steel industry. He also wrote the Gospel of Wealth, a book where he says

"The budget presented in the British Parliament the other day proposes to increase the death duties; and, most significant of all, the new tax is to be a graduated one. Of all forms of taxation this seems the wisest. Men who continue hoarding great sums all their lives, the proper use of which for public ends would work good to the community from which it chiefly came, should be made to feel that the community, in the form of the State, cannot thus be deprived of its proper share. By taxing estates heavily at death the State marks its condemnation of the selfish millionaire's unworthy life."

Thus, we can say he agrees with the practice of  taxing large estates heavily at death. Thus the right answer is True.

False. As a Captain of Industry and a Robber Baron , Andrew Carnegie was against the heavy taxing of large estates and business. Shown in his book the Gospel of Wealth.

Following the period of the Crusades A) Christian invaders adopted Muslim scientific learning and military techniques. B) Christian invaders destroyed most evidence of Muslim intellectual achievements. Eliminate C) Muslim defenders repeatedly lost major portions of their empire to the Christians. D) Muslim defenders adopted Christian military practices in order to defeat their foes.


The answer is D) Muslim defenders adopted Christian military practices in order to defeat their foes.

ollowing the period of the Crusades, Muslim defenders adopted Christian military practices in order to defeat their foes.
its D clearly, by the way good luck

What sparked off Shays's Rebellion?


  What started Shays Rebellion was the tax on the making of whiskey. 
                                               THE STORY:
 Well, quite alot of the western farmers of Pennsylvania would make whiskey from excess corn. And congress needed some money and thought that taxing the excess corn would bring more income. But the effect of that tax, the farmers were'nt very happy and many banded together to stop the courts from seizing their land. (Land was being seized by the court to make up for the farmers' debts from taxing.) 
During the time when the Articles of confederation were still being used, the state taxes were very high. The federal government couldn't help control the taxes because they didn't have the power to do so. Farmers didn't have enough money so their debt was high. If they had high debt, they were sent to court and could possibly go to jail. So, daniel shays led a rebellion against it.

In 1941, who commanded US troops in Europe?


U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower had various summon arrangements; he supplanted Chaney in late June 1942, yet in November he likewise told the Allied powers in Operation Torch through AFHQ. He then surrendered summon of ETOUSA to Lt. Gen. Forthcoming M. Andrews in February 1943, who was executed in an air crash in May.

Final answer:

In 1941, no American commanders were conducting operations in Europe.

In 1941, Dwight D. Eisenhower commanded US troops in Europe. He was appointed as the commander of the General European Theater of Operations in June 1942. Eisenhower rose quickly through the ranks and played a crucial role in leading the Allied forces to victory in Europe during World War II. Nevertheless, the preparation for US involvement in the war was directed by Army Chief of Staff George C. Marshall and Dwight D. Eisenhower was appointed as Commander of the European Theater in 1942.


In 1941, the United States had not yet officially entered World War II, so there were no American command posts in Europe. However, the build-up to the US's involvement was overseen by Army Chief ofStaff George C. Marshall. It was not until 1942 that Dwight D. Eisenhower was appointed as Commander of the European Theater of Operations. Despite becoming very important figures further into the war, in 1941 neither were physically posted in Europe, commanding US forces.In 1941, Dwight D. Eisenhower commanded US troops in Europe. He was appointed as the commander of the General European Theater of Operations in June 1942. Eisenhower rose quickly through the ranks and played a crucial role in leading the Allied forces to victory in Europe during World War II.

Learn more about World War II Commanders here:
