When doing a close reading, what is involved in the process of annotating a text?


Answer 1
Answer: Put in little notes and explanations of what is being said

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Which sentence does not contain any errors?A.
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The sentence that does not contain any errors is: Someone's dog is barking. The correct answer is option B. In this sentence, we used the 's, attached to the noun "someone". The 's when attached to a noun indicates possession. Meaning, that someone is the owner of the barking dog. 

The governor himself wrote that he saw nothing unusual.Which word in the sentence is an intensive pronoun?



himself is the answer. intens pronoun is the use of the same form as reflective pronoun, an intensive pronoun is diff from a reflexive, because the pronoun can be removed w/out altering the meaning of the sentence. 

examples of intensive pronouns are (myself, yourself, himself,itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves)
Himself is an intensive pronoun

Using what you learned about forming adverbs from adjectives, which of the following is the correct way to make the word visible an adverb? A. VisiblyB. VisibilyC. VisiblielyD. Visiblely


The correct answer is A. visibly.

Visibly is an adverb of the adjective visible. When making an adverb from "visible", we odd the letter "e" out in the end and add the suffix "ly" to it.

Hope this helps~

The correct way to make the word "visible" into an adverb is "visibly". So the correct option among all the options given in the question is option "A". To answer these type of questions, it is important to understand the meaning of adverb first. An adverb is actually a word that modifies a verb, adjective, another adverb, noun phrase sentence and clause. Adverbs are considered traditionally as parts of speech.There are numerous sentences used by us where the wordvisibly is used.

Which word has a suffix?A) wonderful
B) incomplete
C) contest
D) measure


A suffix is a morpheme which is added at the end of the word in order to create a new word with a new meaning. From the choices above, the word that has a suffix is the word "wonderful". The answer is option A. The suffix in this word is "-ful" which means full of. The word wonderful means full of wonder.

The answer is option A. The suffix in this word is "-ful" which means full of. The word wonderful means full of wonder.

How can you use a single parallel sentence to combine the sense in these two sentences? I regularly drudge five days a week. I habitually sleep through the weekends. I am used to drudging five days a week and sleep through the weekends. I am used to drudging five days a week and sleeping through the weekends. I am used to drudge five days a week and to sleep through the weekends. I am used to drudge five days a week and sleeping through the weekends.


The correct answer is 'I am used to drudging five days a week and sleeping through the weekends", because in a parallel sentence, there has to be the same form of the verb, in this case it is a participle. The other examples cannot be correct, because the scheme differs (the first verb is a participle, and the second one is infinitive, or vice versa, which is not correct in a parallel sentence) and "I am used to drudge five days a week and to sleep through the weekends" could be correct because there is the same verb form (both are infinitives), but since 'used to' has to be followed by a verb + -ing, it cannot be correct.