(1) To James, good form came above all else. (2) Therefore, on being introduced to Lady Weathers, he bowed, took her hand, and kissed it lightly. (3) Then, glancing upward at Lady Weathers's face, he saw a look of consternation. (4) Blushing with embarassment, James noticed the morsel of green on the back of her hand. (5) Gasping out awkward apologies, James excused himself and rushed to the restroom. (6) Gazing into the mirror, he discovered bits of parsley on his front teeth. (7) Frowning with disgust, James saw he had been made a fool of by an ineptly consumed canapé. (8) "Well," he thought to himself, "Tommorow is another day." (9) But, from that day, he realized that good form was best tempered by caution or, at least, a wiser choice of finger food. 8. Which two sentences contain misspelled words?

A. Sentences 2 and 4
B. Sentences 7 and 8
C. Sentences 6 and 8
D. Sentences 4 and 8


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is D. Sentence 4 and 8. In sentence 4, embarassment is spelled wrong.  It is spelled correctly embarrassment.  In sentence 8, tommorow is spelled wrong. That is spelled tomorrow. 

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A the phrase is out of the oven

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The correct choice is:

b. who; whom

So, the sentence would be: "Will, who we met yesterday, is going to groom our dogs. Whom was he again? I don't remember meeting anyone."

Which sentence has an adverbial phrase? A.
The delivery truck is stopping at many stores.

The bag of clothes ripped open.

That sock under the coffee table is mine.

The new marina by the boat ramp is full.


The only sentence among these that has an adverbial phrase is B) The bag of clothes ripped open, where open is the adverbial phrase.
The other sentences only have prepositional phrases. 

The best answer to the question above would be letter a. The sentence that has an adverbial phrase would be the sentence 'The delivery truck is stopping at many stores. The adverbial phrase there is 'at many stores' and modifies the verb stopping. 

According to your textbook, perception goes beyond the simple receipt of sensory information. It is involved in many different cognitive skills. Which of the following is NOT one of those skills as noted by the chapter?a. Solving problemsb. Experiencing neuromodulation
c. Communicating with other people
d. Answering questions


Answer:b. Experiencing neuromodulation

Explanation:Neuromodulation refers to using a spinal drug delivery method in other to reduce pain that a patient feels. This method introduces medicine in one's body in small doses which can reduce the effect of oral medication such as cognitive effect

Cognitive skills refer to using mental processes to deal with certain activities and issues and those involve solving problems, answering questions and communicating.

In which two sentences does the author use an ironic tone toward the subject? She had no dowry, no expectations, no way of being known, understood, loved, married by any rich and distinguished man; so she let herself be married to a little clerk of the Ministry of Public Instruction. Natural ingenuity, instinct for what is elegant, a supple mind are their sole hierarchy, and often make of women of the people the equals of the very greatest ladies. The girl was one of those pretty and charming young creatures who sometimes are born, as if by a slip of fate, into a family of clerks. She dressed plainly because she could not dress well, but she was unhappy as if she had really fallen from a higher station.


The two sentence in which the author use ironic tone are given below:

1. Natural ingenuity, instinct for what is elegant, a supple mind are their sole hierarchy, and often make of women of the people the equals of the very greatest ladies.

2. The girl was one of those pretty and charming young creatures who sometimes are born, as if by a slip of fate, into a family of clerks.

In literature, mood is usually created by using some factors, one of the factors that are usually used is tone. The other factors are theme and settings. Tone refers to the author's attitude towards a particular character. There are different types of tone. An ironic tone refer to a kind of tone that convey sarcasm and mockery. In the sentences given above, the tone of the speakers conveys sarcasm.

The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "Natural ingenuity, instinct for what is elegant, a supple mind are their sole hierarchy, and often make of women of the people the equals of the very greatest ladies. The girl was one of those pretty and charming young creatures who sometimes are born, as if by a slip of fate, into a family of clerks. "

Which of the following groups of words is a sentence fragment? A. Stop by the garden.
B. We stopped; she didn't.
C. Stopping by the garden, we saw that the flowers were in bloom.
D. When we stopped by the garden.


        Your answer would be D. it is incomplete and does not go into detail why they stopped by the garden. It also is missing a word from the beginning.