Which movement worked to curtail the drinking of alcohol in the 1800s?


Answer 1


The temperance movement during the nineteenth and early twentieth century aimed to limit and outlaw the production and consumption of alcohol in the US. During nineteenth-century citizens thought that drinking alcohol was an immoral act and God won't bless the US due to alcoholics and that they were a threat to America's political system. Many reform movements were started against alcohol consumption, the temperance movement was one such reform movement. The members of temperance societies encouraged americans to reduce alcohol consumption. The American Temperance society was the largest organization in US that had more than 200,000 citizens during the 1830s.

Answer 2
Answer: A system that allowed the winning political party to give jobs to supporters 

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The problem with saying something hurtful during a heated conflict is that you can damage your relationships because you is letter C, you can't take back what you have said. That is why you think before you speak to avoid someone to get hurt or for you to avoid conflict.
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