Use formula and available in a sentence


Answer 1

Final answer:

Here are several examples of sentences using the words 'formula' and 'available'. These showcase the usage of these terms in various contexts such as mathematical, scientific and digital resource accessibility.


When using the words 'formula' and 'available' in a sentence, context matters. However, let's consider them in a mathematical or scientific context. For instance, a sentence might be: 'For mathematical convenience, this formula may be rearranged in different ways; it's available in both direct and indirect proportionalities format.'

Another example could be: 'Start by identifying the formulas for the reactants and products and arrange them correctly in chemical equations; these formulas are freely available in your textbook.'

Lastly, when talking about an online resource: 'You can access this textbook, along with its comprehensive list of formulas, for free in web view or PDF on; it's available for a low cost in print.'

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During the Renaissance, applying humanist ideas to government meant that people began to


During the Renaissance, applying humanist ideas to government meant that people began to focus more on the individual self instead of an all powerful God. 

people focused more on themeselves instead of their god

There was a perpetual smile in his eyes, which seldom failed to awaken a corresponding cheerfulness in any one who looked into them and listened to his good-humored voice. His manner was quiet, and at times a little insolent. He possessed a good figure, a pleasing face, not overburdened with depth of thought or feeling; and his dress was that of the conventional man of fashion. Which statement best summarizes the explicit message in the excerpt?


He was a happy and simple man, who's happiness was contagious.

Personal challenges of Daedalus and icarus?


Daedalus' own hurdle was his lack of strength to handle his unexceptional expertise when it comes to architecture and executing things correctly. He endangered his and his son's life in courtesy of his invented wings made of twine, feathers, and wax. In contempt of having doubts before he started their course, he still valued his ego and excitement over their safety that led to Icarus' death.

On the other hand, Icarus' own tests were his unbridled sentiments that naturally come out because he is a young man. When they were up in the air and the people on the ground we're staring at them with surprise, he started to be too gratified, too eager and too naive. All of these drove him to his own death after defying his father's advice to him previously.


Daedalus and Icarus is one of the very well known and captivating Greek Myths, as it comprises both chronological and mythological details.


Daedalus was an Athenian craftsman, who could build or invent anything. He was also very jealous of people that were talented than him like his nephew Talus, who invents a saw. And in jealousy, Daedalus throws Talos off the Acropolis to teach him a lesson. However, it was a mystery whether Talos died or not. In guilt or in fear Daedalus leaves Athens and moves to Island of Crete along with his son.

Further Explanation:

Daedalus and Icarus are a duo of father-son relationship who after leaving Athens, live in the Island of Crete. They get acquaintances with King Minos who was the Island’s ruler. Daedalus builds many things for him like an invention of the cow suit for the Crete’s queen so that she can unite with a bull which results in a horrible half-man and half-beast called the Minotaur. King Minos asks Daedalus to build a labyrinth for the Minotaur, but even the beast had put some conditions to live in there like a human sacrifice, so the King gives seven young women and men every nine years to Minotaur.  

One of the victims was a hero Theseus, who decides to fight the beast and he is helped by Daedalus for the King’s daughter who was in love with the Theseus. Daedalus gives him the road map to escape out after Theseus kills the Minotaur, and the lovers later eloped the island. On finding out that Daedalus had helped them; the king locks him and Icarus both in the labyrinth. But the genius craftsman didn’t give up even after knowing that the Crete Island is surrounded by the army of King Minos. So he decided to escape by air. Daedalus builds large wax wings for himself and his son. He tested the wings on Icarus and warned him to stay away from the seawater and sun heat. Icarcus had followed his father’s instruction first but later he moves too near to the sun and eventually melts his wings that caused him to come down in speed and falling into the sea. The helpless father tried to save his son but it was too late and Icarus had already died. But Daedalus anyway flew towards the Italian Island of Sicily and mourns his son’s death by building a temple to Apollo.

Learn More:

Learn more about the Daedalus and Icarus at:  (Answered by Iamjordanorpilla.)

Learn more in summary at: by shikakiari)


Daedalus and Icarus, Greek Myths, Island of Crete, Minotaur, Island of Sicily, temple to Apollo, large wax wings.

Which phrase best expresses the theme of this sonnet? God's Grandeur by Gerard Manley Hopkins The world is charged with the grandeur of God. It will flame out, like shining from shook foil; It gathers to a greatness, like the ooze of oil Crushed. Why do men then now not reck his rod? Generations have trod, have trod, have trod; And all is seared with trade; bleared, smeared with toil; And wears man's smudge and shares man's smell: the soil Is bare now, nor can foot feel, being shod. And for all this, nature is never spent; There lives the dearest freshness deep down things;


"It will flame out, like shining from shook foil; It gathers to a greatness, like the ooze of oil Crushed. Why do men then now not reck his rod?" is the best option from the list. 

The difference between a claim and a reason in an argument isthe claim is a statement and the reason is a counterclaim.
the claim is a statement and the reason is the evidence.
the claim is a reason supported with evidence for the claim.
the claim is a statement supported with reasons and evidence.


The difference between a claim and a reason in an argument is the claim is a statement supported by reasons and evidence. Therefore option D is the correct resposne.

What is an Argument?

An argument is a statement or set of claims, known as premises, that seeks to evaluate the plausibility or acceptability of a conclusion. [1][2] The logical, dialectical, and rhetorical perspectives are the three basic areas of study for arguments.

An argument in logic can be defined as any group of propositions that one is claimed to follow from the others through deductively valid inferences that preserve truth from the premises to the conclusion. Arguments in logic are typically expressed not in natural language but in symbolic formal language.

This logical approach to argumentation is applicable to the sciences, including computer science and mathematics. Logic is the study of how arguments are reasoned and the creation of norms and criteria for judging arguments.

An argument can be thought of as a social and verbal method of attempting to settle or at least contend with, a disagreement or difference of view that has occurred or exists between two or more people in dialectics, as well as in a more general meaning.

To read more about the Argument, refer to -


The answer is D.

"the claim is a statement supported with reasons and evidence."

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they grow their foods on their hairs because there blind and there next to a hdrothermal vent.a great place to start life