What are the four most common gases in dry air?


Answer 1
Answer: Nitrogen and oxygen are by far the most common.
Hope this helps

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Any clue on this one please help


The third one is your answer

Forces contribute to the net force on a car rolling down a ramp


Well if you're asking for the forces, here ya go.

There are a ton of forces that act upon a car while it rolls down a hill, such as:

     -Gravity pushing down on the mass of the car
     -The ramp (or ground) pushing back up on the car at an angle (making it            move)
     -Friction in the form of the tires on the ramp and air resistance
     -Normal Force perpendicular to gravity on the ramp

Now the question doesn't tell me if the engine is powering the car or not, it only says it is "Rolling"

But if the engine were to be driving the wheels, then Engine Force will be applied at the angle of the ramp.

How is net force determined if two students moving a piano exert force in the same direction


The net force is determined is basically who is pushing harder in a specific direction.Like since there bith pushing in the same direction the net force is in the direction that they are pushing.

A kicker kicks the football with a force of 100 N. What is the force that the football exerts on the kicker's foot?


As we have all learned from Newton #3, every action has an equal, opposite reaction.  

The force that the football exerts on the kicker's foot is equal to the force with which the kicker's foot impacts the ball. (100 N)

Is this statement true or false?Hurricanes are classified by three stages in which updrafts of air billow up, updrafts and downdrafts swirl the wind up and down, then downdrafts cause clouds to come apart.


The statement is true! 
The answer is its true

hope that this helped

Which has more inertia a shopping cart full of groceries or an empty shopping cart


Ok, so you would want to define inertia before trying to answer the question. Inertia is basically the force of resistance on an object, or any change to its speed, because of natural factors, like friction or gravity. The shopping carts decribed above, based upon the definition of inertia, the shopping cart full of groceries would have more inertia.

Final answer:

Inertia is a property of an object that resists changes in motion, and its quantity is directly proportional to the object's mass. Therefore, a shopping cart full of groceries, having a greater mass, will exhibit more inertia than an empty shopping cart.


In physics, inertia refers to the tendency of an object to resist changes in its motion. The greater an object's mass, the greater its inertia, making it harder to start or stop its movement. In comparing a shopping cart full of groceries and an empty one, the cart full of groceries will have a higher mass, thus a greater inertia.

Consider an experiment where you exert the same amount of force on both carts. The full cart would be more resistant to change in motion and would move slower or a shorter distance than the empty one due to the higher inertia it possesses.

The same principle can be applied to a group of students using two carts (A and B) for a one-dimensional collision experiment. Cart B with unknown mass is initially at rest while cart A with known mass moves towards it. Since mass directly influences inertia, if cart B was loaded with materials (like a shopping cart full of groceries), it would be harder to shift its motion than if it were empty.

Learn more about Inertia here:

